The Diary of Jane

Jane Sullivan was a beautiful girl. A very popular, nice, and one of the most well-known seniors at Palo Verde High School that eveyone loved, especially her best friend, Brendon Urie.

Brendon Urie is a goofy, nerdy sophomore who has always known Jane since he was born. Their mothers were best friends in high school and they went to the same church together. He was the closest person to her, even more close than her own parents. They always talked to each other about everything...or so Brendon thought

On Febuary 8, 2002, Jane commited suicide with out any real explanation besides a note saying, "I'm sorry" found in her hand. With everyone in mourning and no answers, it seems troubling to eveyone and different scenarios come up. That it was acutally a murder desguised as a suicide or other things. Brendon, being tired of rumors, decides to do some digging into Jane's belongs, especially her diary. He can't believe what he finds in there and everything he once knew becomes non-exsistant.

Disclaimer: I do not own Brendon Urie or his family. I only own everyone else.