
What makes you so special?

Now that my life is over and I walk as an unseen unmissed phantom, my mind's almost all sorted out. The colors are clearer and only a thin gray smudge is left to divide the two. They're all Jason memories. It's almost like he's not real, but still isn't mindlessly imagined.

Since Jason murdered me, I haven't seen him again. If he would find me again, I would kiss him till my lips hurt. He'd kiss back and wrap his arms around me keeping up close. He's so much taller than me that I have to stand on his feet, and I still have to stand on my toes, and even then I can hardly kiss him.


My funeral is in a few days, and oddly enough, I plan on attending. No one's going to cry because these last few years, Jason's been the only one I interacted with. Eventually they all stopped trying to get my attention and let me live in between the colors.

I'm standing on the edge of the roof of the bar wondering if I jump, will anything happen. My body is dead and in a morgue, but my spirit and personality? Hell no. I'm still wasting my endless time trying to find out what's just going on.

More than anything I need Jason in my life again just to know I'm not in this alone.

A few more minutes I stayed lost in my thoughts, then I decided to jump. The bar was only two stories high, but I was still afraid. I fell to my death (in a way) the first time, and now that I'm falling again, I actually like it.
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Yes, it's short but I'm kind of stuck on where to go with this...and the character's name...