Say That You Wanna Be With Me Too

Rule the Third

Rule #3: if a guy leaves after sex, even in the morning, with no intention of coming back, it was just a one night stand, not a funny story to tell the grandkids.

I don’t know what woke me, but when I did, I was alone and covered only by a thin sheet. My body was sore and my head was throbbing. What had happened last night? It all seemed a blur. One second I was at the bar, the next I was here, having crazy sex with Joe. I did not know he could go that long or I would ever enjoy it that much. I mean, I was far from a virgin, but wow, it had never been that good. Even the thought of it sent a shiver down my spine.

I realized then that Joe was not still in bed. I heard the water run in my bathroom and knew it had to be him. He had stayed the whole night? Had he liked it that much too? The thought made me proud to have held my own. I stretched to loosen my muscles and knew I’d be sore for a few days.

The door opened and he stepped out, smiling as he saw I was awake. He had only his boxers on, his toned body still glistening with water. “Hey,” he said as he started searching for his clothes.

I sat up, the sheet falling slightly to reveal my chest. I couldn’t feel shame though, not after last night, not with Joe. “Hi,” I said.

He was putting his clothes on, sitting on the edge of my bed. “So I have to give you some credit,” he said conversationally, “I’ve never had anyone who’s been able to go that long.”

I smiled slightly. “Um thanks?”

“So this was definitely fun,” he said, slipping his shoes on. He bend down to tie them.

“Yeah it was,” I said. “I was thinking maybe we could get breakfast?” I looked at the clock on my nightstand. It was already almost 12. “Or brunch now I suppose.”

“Oh um,” he said nervously. “Actually I kind of have a thing.”

“Oh um okay well maybe dinner tonight?” I prodded.

He chuckled nervously now. “Look Skye, I had fun last night, but I’m not that guy.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, confused. What was he staying? He had stayed the night. He had proved that he cared, that he could be that guy, my guy.

He sighed. “See this is your problem,” he said. “I had fun last night, I really did. You’re amazing, and I honestly don’t hate you anymore, but this wasn’t some way to show you I could be the one.”

“I didn’t say you were the one,” I said quietly, though I had just been thinking that exact thing.

“God Nick is going to kill me,” he sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

“Why would Nick kill you?” I said, covering myself with the sheet now. I suddenly felt too exposed.

He looked at me with panicked eyes. “Don’t tell him, okay?” he begged. “Nick can’t find out about this.”

“Nick’s my best friend,” I reminded him. “I tell him everything.”

“Yeah I get that,” he rolled his eyes. “But you can’t tell him about this, trust me. He’ll kill me and probably never talk to you again.”

“Why would he do that?” I questioned.

“I don’t know maybe because you two are perfect together,” he said in frustration, “if you weren’t so crazy I mean. Look just promise you’re not going to tell Schuyler.”

“I won’t tell him,” I said after a moment, ignoring his jibe. “Like you said, it was fun, but it was just that.”

“Right,” he chuckled once.

“And for your information,” I continued, “Nick and I are just friends.”

“Yeah I know,” he said. “You’re too possessive and obsessive for him to ever see you differently anyway.”

“I’m not,” I crossed my arms.

“Schuyler you thought we were going to get married now or something didn’t you?” he said. “What, did you have the flowers picked in your head and everything?”

I involuntarily blushed. Sure it wasn’t exactly marriage I was expecting, well not yet anyways, but a possibility of a future definitely.

“That’s what I thought,” he said, smirking as he studied my face. “Look you’re great and I can see why Nick keeps you around. I don’t think I ever saw you as hot until last night, and you’re a cool girl, but you and I would never happen. Trust me.”

“I didn’t say it would,” I reminded him. This was true. I had never spoken the words out loud. What was going on in my mind, well that was a different story altogether.

He opened his mouth to say something but my phone rang. I looked to see it was Nick. “One second,” I said to Joe before I answered the phone. “Hey Nick,” I said, looking pointedly at Joe.

“Hey Skye,” he said. “How was last night?”

“It was fun,” I replied. I knew I couldn’t tell Nick. He’d hate me for having sex with his brother. Well not hate me, but he’d be disappointed, and I wasn’t sure I wanted that either.

“Do anything crazy?” he asked.

“No it was a pretty boring night,” I said. Joe rolled his eyes at that.

“Well I was supposed to have lunch with Joe but he’s still MIA from last night,” Nick continued, “which means he’s probably with his latest conquest.”

I could hear the roll in his eyes as his voice dripped with annoyance. Joe’s latest conquest? No I refused to be known as that, especially by Nick. I could never tell him. “Well I’m sure Joe just got caught up in the moment or something,” I said uneasily. I hated lying to Nick, or hiding anything from him.

“Are you defending him?” Nick laughed. “Wow Skye, what brought on that change of heart?”

“There is no change of heart,” I rolled my eyes. “I just don’t care enough about him.” Again, Joe rolled his eyes at this.

“Fair enough,” Nick chuckled. “Anyways, want to grab lunch?”

“Sure,” I said. “Meet you at Johnny Rocket’s in 20?”

“Sounds good,” he said. “Bye.”

We hung up them and I looked at Joe. “I won’t tell him,” I said quietly. “Ever. He cannot find out ever.”

“Trust me I won’t,” Joe said as he stood. “I don’t really want to get my face ruined. It is the lady attracter after all.”

“Wow someone’s cocky,” I rolled my eyes.

“Hey it worked on you last night,” he reminded me, smirking.

I winced, knowing he was right. “Whatever,” I said. “I was drunk.”

“Right,” he said. “Keep telling yourself that. In the mean time, I’m going to go.”

“Right,” I said as he started walking towards the door.

He stopped and turned, looking at me quickly. “I did have fun last night,” he said quietly before turning and leaving.

I sighed and watched him go. “So did I,” I whispered quietly.
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Haha I know a bit dry but I had to get some things cleared up :] Sorry it took so long! But what did you guys think? Your comments make me happy so let me know :]