Say That You Wanna Be With Me Too

Rule the Fourth

Rule #4: A person who sleeps around will always be that. There isn’t a prince charming in every guy, just as every girl can’t be the one to change every guy.

I was an idiot. There was nothing else to it. I was a complete and utter moron. I couldn’t believe I had let Joe get me into bed, and I couldn’t believe even less that had actually thought he would change because of one night. But whatever, I wasn’t going to let it change me. I wasn’t going to let him see he had affected me. I saw Nick waiting for me in Johnny Rockets with sunglasses and a hat being his disguise. I sat across from him and smiled at him. “Hi.”

“Hey,” he grinned. “So how was last night? You didn’t call when you got home.”

“Oh um Josh ended up never showing,” I said, putting my sunglasses on top of my head. I tried not to let him show how I was feeling. “I ended up just staying at the bar and chatting up some guy.”

“What guy?” he said cautiously.

“Oh um Peter,” I lied. Peter? Where the hell had that name come from? I was pretty sure I had gone out with a Peter once, hadn’t I?

“Oh how’d that go?”

“He was nice, but I wasn’t interested,” I shrugged.

Nick had to laugh at this, picking up his menu and casually skimming through it. “You weren’t interested? What, was he ugly?”

“No he was cute,” I blushed. “I just wasn’t in the mood. And I do not get attached to every single guy out there Nicholas Jonas.”

He looked around quickly. “Can you not say my name out loud please? We are in a major little fan girl territory right now.”

I laughed. “Sorry, I forgot. What disguise name is it this time?”

“Um – Mike?”

“Too close to Nick,” I said, reminding him silently of the time we had made that mistake before.


“We used that last time.”

“Okay then you pick one,” he said.

“How about – Roy?”

He just stared at me. “With the millions of normal names, you have to pick Roy? What about Robert?”

“No,” I grinned. “I like Roy.”

“You are intentionally cruel, you know that?” he glowered at me as the waitress came over to us to get our orders.

“I will have the grilled chicken club salad please,” I said before smirking at Nick. “What about you Roy, what will you have?”

He kicked me under the table before looking up sheepishly at our hot waitress. “Can I get the Rocket double please?”

“Sure,” the waitress smiled. “Be right back with your drinks guys.”

Nick just continued to glare at me. “You suck, you know that right?”

I laughed and ate a fry from the order he had gotten before I came. “I know. So Joe bailed?”

“Yeah he never came home last night,” Nick said. “He showed up this morning, but I already had plans with you at that point.”

I didn’t point out that Joe was with me when these plans were being made. “Oh that’s cool,” I said. “Where’d he go?”

“Why the sudden interest in the life of my loser brother?” he smirked. The waitress came back with our food and we started eating.

I blushed profusely. “I’m not interested. I was just wondering.”

“Right,” he said. “But I don’t know where he went. You know he never tells me where he’s been, though he usually tells me with who. It was really weird actually. He didn’t tell me even though I asked. He always tells me.”

“You probably don’t know her then,” I said, trying not to look too suspicious.

“I don’t know more than half of them,” he reminded me. “But he usually gives me a name.”

“Maybe he didn’t find out her name,” I suggested.

“Right,” Nick laughed. “This is Joe. He always finds out the name. They’re like notches in his bed post.”

I tried not to let that bother me. “Maybe this one wasn’t important enough.”

“Maybe,” he said slowly. “But anyway, I don’t want to talk about Joe.”

“Okay,” I laughed. “What do you want to talk about then?”

“Tour,” he grinned. “Please tell me you’re coming. Seeing as you missed the last one and promised to make it up to me, you kind of have no choice. Besides, if you’re here without me, you might do something really stupid.”

“Wow thanks for the boost of confidence,” I rolled my eyes. “But I already cleared it with my boss so yes I am coming.”

“Awesome,” he grinned. We had finished and the waitress brought the bill with milkshakes that Nick had ordered. I went to reach for my purse, but he beat me, already pulling bills out of his wallet. “I got this.”

“Thanks,” I smiled.

“Want to come over?” he asked as we walked to our respective cars.

“Sure, meet you there.”

God, I really was an idiot. I couldn’t tell Nick about Joe and I, and I felt guilty because of that. He knew that all the girls Joe slept with were just ‘notches on his best post’ as he had called them. And now I was just another mark on his enormous ego. When we got to their house, there were two cars in their driveway. One was Joe’s, but the other was a mystery. “Is someone here?” I asked Nick as we walked in.

“Probably some girl,” Nick mumbled. “Hey do you mind if I go take a shower really quickly?” he asked as we got into his room. “Then we can watch a movie or something.”

“Sure,” I shrugged, turning Nick’s computer on. My thoughts were still on this ‘girl’ here. She was obviously with Joe then. Nick went to the bathroom and I started surfing around on the web.

“Hey Nick,’ the door opened. “Veronica’s over so I’m going to be—Skye?”

I turned around, my face pale. Of course I had to run into Joe. Just my fucking luck. “Um hi.”

“What are you doing here?” he asked uncomfortably. “Where’s Nick?”

“Shower,” I mumbled.

“Oh um okay,” he said. “So you guys uh back from lunch?”

“Oh my God, stop with the pleasantries,” I rolled my eyes. I don’t know why it annoyed me so much. It just did. I couldn’t believe the nerve of him. He was with me last night, and now he was with another girl? “We had sex. Doesn’t mean you have to pretend to like me now or whatever.”

“I’m not pretending,” he said.

“I’m sure,” I said. “Look why don’t you just go back to Vanessa or Victoria or whatever.”

“Veronica and what the hell is your problem?” he demanded.

“I don’t have a problem. I just think it’s mad fucked up that you slept with me last night and now you’re about to have sex with some other bimbo.”

“Wow so that’s what this is about?” he rolled his eyes. “Look Skye, yes we had sex, but I never promised you anything more, okay? You came up with those fantasies on your own.”

“I don’t have any fantasies,” I glared at him. Who the fuck did he think he was?

“Right,” he said. “That’s why you’re acting completely psycho because there’s a girl in my room.”

“I could care less what or who you do,” I rolled my eyes.

“Look I’m sorry you’re under the wrong impression but I’m not prince charming,” he said quietly. “I’m not the one for you. I’m not that guy Schuyler. I sleep around with a lot of girls. That’s just who I am. Nick is that guy, not me. So you continuing to be pissed at me for it is just going to piss me off.”

“Oh and heaven forbid I piss you off,” I said sarcastically. “And stop bringing Nick up like there’s something between us.”

“You know what?” he was angry now. “Fuck you. Maybe you should think about why no guy stays with you. It’s because you’re a controlling possessive and obsessive bitch. I don’t even know why I thought we could actually be friends again.” He turned to go and stopped, sighing. He turned around and looked at me softly, pityingly. “Look, I’m sorry, but I’m serious Skye. I’m not that guy, okay? I’m not Nick.”

With that, he left me alone, angry and hurt.
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Haha I know I know it's been forever since I've updated. Sorry! But comments anyone?