Status: short story, complete

Close Your Eyes

It's a surprise.

"Nick." I whined. "Where are we going?"

"Relax, Justyn. It's a surprise." He smiled back at me. I pouted, allowing him to lead me through the forest.

"Are we there yet?" I asked, impatient.

"No." He laughed. "Just wait, JaceyBear, we're almost there." I sighed.

"Whatever you say." We walked in a comfortable silence for a while. I admired the clear blue sky and bright sun that shined down on the trees. We had strayed from the path a few minutes ago, so I didn't know where we were going. Joe and Kevin must know about Nick's surprise, cause they didn't try to stop us or anything.

"Are we there yet?" I groaned. He rolled his eyes.

"Almost." I huffed, trailing after my boyfriend.

"You're really lucky you're adorable." I said. He grinned, kissing my forehead softly.

"Okay, Jacey, you need to close your eyes." He stepped behind me.

"Why?" I chewed on my lip as he covered my eyes.

"It's a surprise." He whispered in my ear, pushing me forward by walking.

"Okay." I said, trusting him and walking. "Don't let me fall."

"I won't." I felt sticks and stones beneath my feet. After a moment, he said; "Okay." And stopped walking as he pulled his hands away. I opened my eyes to see a beautiful cabin.

"Wow!" I exclaimed, grinning. "Where are we?" I looked around. There was lake to my left, more trees to my right and a cozy cabin in the middle.

"Just some place I found." He took my hand. "Come on, look inside." I walked ahead of him, quickly. He laughed, following.

"It's so pretty!" I ran around the inside. "Who lives here? I'm jealous." I beamed at him. He smiled.

"Well." He took something out of his pocket. "I was hoping..." He stepped closer. "That we could." I gasped, covering my mouth as he leaned on one knee.

"N-Nick." I whispered, tears gathering in my eyes.

"Will you marry me, JaceyBear?" He asked, showing a beautiful diamond ring.

"Oh, Nick." I nodded. "Yes!" He stood, smiling as he slipped the ring on my finger.

"Perfect fit." He kissed me softly. "I love you."

"I love you, too."
♠ ♠ ♠
couldn't think of anything else.

sorry if it sucks. :P