Status: I'm not sure where this story is going, just that... It's going. At least for now. Comments are appreciated, simply 'cause I'm not sure what I wanna do with it.

The Realms


In a time long ago when the witches and the realms were one a prophecy was born telling of two sisters and two brothers born to see the centuries turn. The sisters walk the path of light; the brothers walk the path of darkness. Both must be born for the balance to be maintained, and both must accept their powers. The brothers are not evil, the sisters not good. The sisters hold the power of life, the brother hold the magic of death. Such is the way of things.

There is a long history of these men and women stretching across time. In every case the brothers and sisters are born four and become two. Always one sister takes the other’s power for life and one brother takes the other’s power for death. It is not a pleasant thing, but neither does it cause them pain. But in the end two born great are left with nothing but a powerful bloodline and a connection to the realms. Their power given from the realms will be gone, slowly transferred to the body of the chosen sibling. This is the fate that they are given. And for the sake of all that is living, and for the sake of all beyond the world of the living, this is the fate that they must accept.

This prophecy has long since been forgotten by ordinary man, just as ordinary man has forgotten his connection to the realms, even as they reach for him back. The realms, and the mists with which they communicate, belong solely to the witches now. Man has denied himself this part of his life which connects himself to the realms. But that does not mean that man cannot birth a witch. Man may not see his connection to the realms, but he is still the realms’ child.

The sisters are born to man, though they will be the most powerful of their time. The brothers are born to witches. The sisters are raised with a shadow of understanding, not fully aware just what they are capable of. The brothers are born eager to learn it all, and with the access to the knowledge. The sisters are born to understand the both the ways of man and, in time, the ways of the witch. The brothers are born to comprehend all that is witch which the sisters cannot understand. They are yin and yang, light and dark. The brothers and the sisters rely on each other.

And so it is that the brothers were born to a common blood witch family, strong power flowing through their veins. At a young age their connection with the death was already settled, a power that would just grow as they did. Unconcerned with money the brothers’ parents sent them to the best schools a witch could attend. It was hoped that the boys would learn young the potential that their magic held, and that they would learn to control it, so that it could never control them.

The sisters were born to a human couple with no perception of the unimaginable power swimming in their daughter’s veins, a power so strong that every witch in the ward instantly knew who the two daughters must be. Their identity was instantly reported to a powerful and trusted witch. This witch was to decide what should be done. The witch told that the sisters should be raised by their human parents, and the witch stored away their identities for when the time to bring them into the world of the realms came. Until then, both brothers and sisters lived the life they were born for.
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Well, here's the prologue. I wrote it today. I'm not sure where I'm going with this. As stupid and cliche as it sounds, it came to me in a dream. Well, a scene way later on in the story. And I really want to get there. So... We'll see. Tell me what you think?