Mad House!

Chapter 3.

We talked away to a meadow in the forest. I wasn’t paying much attention because I kept falling over. He was sporting me by holding my arm. When we got to the meadow, he sat down and I lay on my belly. I looked around to the beautiful surrounding. He took some weed and we got high. He told me all about why he shot himself.
“So how’s your life” he asked.
“Shit. Mums dead, dad’s a prat and me, well I wake up every day and I don’t know why” I said. I looked away as I told him.
“How did your mum die?” he asked.
“Erm... hung herself” I said. I noticed my tears strolling down my face as Joseph wiped them away. I couldn’t control myself. I grabbed the ends of his collar and kissed him. He kissed me back. We were now getting on. His hand down my back, my hands threw his hair. I opened my eyes to see I was naked. I had my heads on Joseph’s chest. Yikes! I’m naked. He was still asleep so I quickly grabbed my clothes and got changed. I wrote a note and left it on top of his shirt. I walked home. I was happy I had a bond with Joseph. I felt loved for once.
Joseph’s P.O.V
I told her everything. I felt strange around her. It wasn’t like any other feeling I have experienced. I felt like she was my other me. I wiped her tears and then she grabbed my collar. What the hell is she doing! She kissed me. I couldn’t help myself. She was so beautiful so real, I kissed her back. From that kiss it went in to more. I woke up alone. I woke up naked. I don’t think getting high was a good idea. I quickly grabbed my clothes and slid them on. There laid a note on my shirt. I opened it.
It said: Joseph. I’m sorry I didn’t stay. I look terrible and I didn’t want to wake you. I love you so much and I didn’t want to frighten you away. I hope I see you soon. I will see you soon won’t I? I love you so freaking much. Jamie. P.S I think I’m in love with that 6 pack of yours.
“How embarrassing” I said out loud. I closed the note and put it in my shirt pocket. I done my shirt up and slid my shoes on. I got my bag and walked home happily for once in a long time. As I walked home I remembered her body had bruises on it. Why was that? I shall ask her tomorrow. I when I got home I turned up my iPod speakers and collapsed on my bed. I took out the note and read it over and over again.
The next day I got in my uniform and done my hair. I grabbed my school bag and ran out the door. What was wrong with me? I wanted to see Jamie. I had to see Jamie.
Jamie’s P.O.V
When I got home I had the usual argument with dad and a punch. Tonight I didn’t slit my wrist. I danced around my room. I was happy for a change. Tonight I’d sleep a sweet dream. I dreamt of Joseph all night, of me and him. When I woke up I decide I’d get ready in doors. I straightened my hair. I put my makeup. My eyelashes were longer today, it might have been all my mascara id put on it. My eyes where big bold and black. I grabbed some money as I walked down stairs and out the door. The bus was just pulling up. I walked on to the bus. I saw Joseph as he was waving at me to sit next to him. I walked over to him and sat down.
“Hey” he smiled
“Hi” I smiled back
“I have some questions for you?” he asked curiously. Great!
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