I'm a ***ing Riot!

The Prologue

The setting: Methyr Tydfil, 1987. A small boy with light brown hair struggled biking up a rainy hill to his best friend's house. His younger brother followed several metres behind on his tricycle, begging the older boy to slow down. But for once, the older brother didn't mind: he had important business to attend to

Five or so soaking wet minutes later, the younger of the two arrived, in time to see his brother's friend hand the boy a five-pound note. Then, before he knew what was happening, the friend had grabbed him tightly by the wrist, and his brother had fled, racing down the hill, his training wheels clattering on the wet cement

"Dear, do you know where Jay is?" The boys' mother asked her husband that evening, when the family was ready to sit down for tea.

"No, I think he's out playing in the garden, would you like me to check?" he asked.

"Yes, thank you, I'm just setting the table," she smiled.

He returned a moment later, looking puzzled. "He's not there..." he stated hesitantly.

His wife looked confused. "That's odd, he wasn't in his room... Sean?" she called her older son in. "Sean, do you know where your brother is?"

Sean nodded. "I've sold him to Gavin, up the street, for a fiver!" he announced proudly, pulling the money from his pocket, and displaying it combined with a massive grin.
♠ ♠ ♠
At first writing of this prologue, I had wrongly believed that Jay was the older of the two (and it still feels like he should be...) anyway, I've quickly sneak-edited it. So, if you happen to be looking at this for a second time and are wondering "wait. what?" that would be why.
I'm still not 100% certain if the year mentioned is right or if i've captured the age gap properly, but that will be repaired and/or made up for in the following chapters, I promise :)