Status: In Progress

A Ransom Note, A Famous Hostage, 2 Bad Guys & The FBI! What More Can You Ask For?

I Have To Take Each Day One Second At A Time

[Present Time]

Priest: Do you, Nicholas Jerry Jonas, take Emma Quinn Wade to be your faithful wife, to have and to hold, in sickness & in health, till death do you part?
Nick: I DO!
Priest: Do you, Emma Quinn Wade, take Nicholas Jerry Jonas to be your faithful husband, to have and to hold, in sickness & in health, till death do you part?
Emma: I DO!
Priest: Nick, you may now kiss your bride.
(Nick & Emma Kiss)
Priest: I know pronounce you husband and wife.
(Audience claps)
(Nick & Emma walk down the isle with BIG smiles on their faces’)

[One Year Later]

(Emma gives birth to a healthy baby)
(Emma is exhausted and has no more energy left to push this baby out! Nick keeps encouraging her.)
Nick: Come on Emma Baby Push! You can do this!
Emma: I c-can’t! I’m t-to t-tired.
Nick: One more push and your done.
Emma: F-for y-you I w-will. Ple-ease sing f-for m-me!
Nick: What song Cupcake?
Emma: Any o-one. JUST SING A SONG NOW!
(Nick sings)
Nick: ‘When You Look Me In The Eyes. And tell me that you love me. Everything's alright. When you're right here by my side. When I hold you in my arms. I know that it's forever. I just gotta let you know. I never wanna let you go. Cause When You Look Me In The Eyes.’
(Emma found new strength and pushes one last time)
(Baby crying in the background)
(Doctor hands baby over to Nick & leaves)
Nick: Oh, Emma! Our baby girl is so beautiful!
Emma: Please h-hand over her t-to m-e. P-please!
(Nick hands over baby girl)
(Emma sweet talks to the baby)
Emma: Hello beautiful. I’m your mommy. Your so cute. Yes you are. Nick, she’s beautiful!
Nick: Just like you.
Emma: Yeah, just like me. Awe, she has your cute little curls.
Nick: She barely has any hair. How do you know?
Emma: I can just tell. When she grows up, she will have curly long blonde brown hair like you and me!
Nick: She will.
(Doctor walks in)
Doctor: Sorry to interrupt your little cute bonding time. I have a quick question.
Nick: Shoot.
Doctor: Do you have a name pick out? We need to it in our computer for records and for the birth certificate.
Nick & Emma: Mandy Denise Jonas.
Doctor: Please repeat.
Emma: Mandy Denise Jonas
Doctor: Pretty name. Thank-you. I am going to draw up the paper work for the birth certificate and records. Be right back.
(Mandy Denise Jonas is asleep throughout all of this on Emma’s chest.)

[Two Days Later]

(Paper work filled out. Nick, Emma & Mandy go home.) (Arrive Home)
Emma: It feels so good to be back home.
Nick: Tell me about it.
Emma: Can Kevin, Joe & the rest of your family come over?
Nick: Yeah sure. Wait, I thought they were coming over today.
Emma: Are you sure? No one’s here but us. I don’t see any cars here.
Nick: Well they do leave like two blocks away. They could’ve walked.
Emma: That's a possibility. Well, knowing Joe, he probably got hurt again or decided to something stupid. All causing them to not be here.
Nick: That’s also another possibility. Last time I checked they were supposed to be here know.
(Walk through the door)
Jonas Family: SURPRISE!
Emma: Oh My! This is a wonderful unexpected surprise. Who planned this.
Mr. & Mrs. Jonas: Nick, here, planned the whole thing.
(Nick & Emma friendly fight while the rest of the family look on as if this is the best comedy movie ever. Kevin is holding Mandy the whole time.)
Emma: Nick, I so wish I could beat you up right now. Lucky for you, I can’t.
Nick: Why’s that?
Emma: Cuz. Two things: one, I'm still weak and tired. two, I'm still weak and tired.
Nick: That’s only one. Do the math. Now who’s the smart one?
Emma: I am.
Nick: But then why do they call me ‘Mr. President’?
Emma: Cuz you wanna be President someday.
Nick: That too.
Emma: This is not over yet. But, I’m sorry for friendly fighting.
Nick: Ditto!
(Nick & Emma kiss & hug)
Joe: GOSH! It just got to the good part.
Nick: Sorry man. Fight Over!
(Family talks and eats food. Well Joe & Frankie eats pretty much all of it)

[Fifteen Years Later at 9:48 am on September 3]

(Emma & Nick get Mandy off to her first day of school safely. Of at least that's what they think and arrive back home. Nick’s iPhone rings and he looks at the caller ID, which comes up as a restricted number, but picks is up anyway. As Emma looks on confused)
Nick: Hello?
?: Yes, hello Nick.
Nick: How do you know my name?
?: I know everything about you?
Nick: What is your name? Are you some stalker? If you are I’m calling the police.
?: My name is You Don’t Need To Know My Name. If you call the police, then your daughter Mandy will die.
Nick: That’s not a name. It is just some lame excuse so you don’t get caught by the police. Am I correct? Woah! I’m so lost. Please come again.
?: Your correct. If you call the police, your daughter Mandy will die a slow and painful death.
(At this point, Nick is getting really ticked off)
Nick: She is in school.
?: Guess again?
Nick: She’s with you?
?: Ding. Ding. Ding. We’ve got a winner. She is and will remain that way if you don't follow all that I say.
Nick: How did you get her? Your not the boss of me.
?: None of your business. Follow or Mandy dies.
Nick: It is my business, she’s my daughter. Follow what?
?: My directions.
Nick: And what would they be? (sarcastically)
?: Meet me at Barney’s Cafe in downtown LA at 12:00 Sharp with $3,000,000! And don’t bother bringing the police. If you do, Mandy dies.
Nick: And what makes you think I have that kind of money??
?: Well! One, your Nick Jonas from the Jonas Brothers. Two, your famous. Three, Famous people have tons of money. Do the math. What does Nick + Famous =?
Nick: How do you know all of this?
?: Let’s just say I have sources. And Nick + Famous = Tons of Money. You see where this is going?
Nick: What sources? And no I don’t see where this is going?
?: Like I said, let’s just say I have sources. You give me the money and I give you your daughter back.
Nick: And how am I supposed to know you will follow through with this?
?: You won’t know until you follow my orders.
Nick: I am not playing to game. Just give me back my *beep* daughter and no one gets hurt. And that I promise you.
?: NO promises will be made. Now follow my orders.
(? hangs up the phone)
(Emma looks at the clock and acts calm, unlike Nick)
Emma: From what I heard, we have have 3 hours and 12 minutes to get the money and go to some Barney’s Cafe.
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