Sweet darlin, I like you.

I like you

My hands are shaking as I dial her number. A sweet melancholic voice answers “Hello?”
“Hi, it’s Mitch, from yesterday. We met in the grocery store.” There is a pause on the other end of the line and I wonder if she forgot me.
“Oh, yes I remember. How are you?” How I hate small talk... but for her I will talk about anything.
“I’m good. Just wondering... do you like ice cream?” She chuckles a bit and I curse my stupidity.
“Yes, I love ice cream. Who doesn’t like ice cream?”
“Well, my dog smartie doesn’t but that is beside the point. I was wondering if you’d like to get ice cream with me tomorrow, I know a great spot that serves the best cookie dough ice cream you will ever taste.”
“I would love to!” There is a silent pause.
“I should say goodnight now but I just don’t want to...” I take a quick intake of breath; I can’t believe I said that out loud. What if she thinks I’m weird?
“You know what? Me neither...” I sigh in relief, and we talk for what seems like forever.

The next day I knock on her door, she comes out blushing like a little school girl on her first date.
“So are you ready to have your mouth invaded?” Her eyes open wide and she stares at me in shock. I realise what I said and my face imitates hers, I turn red.
“With ice cream I mean...” She laughs looking positively darlin’.
“Oh...” She almost looks disappointed. We make our way to the ice cream shop, our hands almost touching; each hoping the other will grab it.
“You know what?” I ask.
“I like you”
♠ ♠ ♠
It's hard to write something so short. Hope you like it.