Sequel: Another Chance.

Say You'll Haunt Me.


Flare sat on her bunk in the tour bus, occasionally feeling the bumps from the road below the tires of the bus. She was still hyped and excited to be going on tour. In the passed three weeks, her life had gone from sitting around LA, doing practically nothing every day to meeting one of her favorite bands, and getting to go on tour with them. It was all thanks to her cousins, Matt and Jason. Jas called her up, and asked to fill in for the band. It was a temporary thing, and whatever, but she didn't care. As long as she got to do something of interest for a while.

Over the last two weeks, she had gotten to know the boys of Avenged Sevenfold, with exceptions to Brian, whom had been avoiding all contact with the short, fiery redhead. Flare had felt rejected for a while, but she had realized that he wasn't made at her, just mad that Jimmy had been...well, replaced.

Was that term correct?

No. Not at all. You cannot replace a person, just their position.

And, currently, Flare had temporarily taken the Rev's position as Avenged Sevenfold's drummer.

"Hey, Flare, we're gonna stop for some fast food later. Zacky's being a bitch about his hunger problems. Do you want anything?"

Flare looked up at Johnny and smiled.

"No thanks," she replied. "Thank you for offering."

"No prob, Flare. I'll bring you back something anyways," he said, before waving and turning around.

She smiled to herself, and laid down on her bunk. Johnny and Zacky had be so nice to her since she got there. Matt had been decent and polite, as well. Brian, of course, was a different story. She pulled her mp3 player from underneath her pillow, and put her headphones in her ears.

"Little supernovas in my head. Little soft pulses, am I dead? Little souvenirs and secrets shared. Little off guard and unprepared."

Flare sang quietly to herself.

After a few more songs, she got up from her bunk, and looked to see if anyone had stayed behind. She scanned her eyes over the main part of the bus, and no one had been there. On the table, was a note that had read: Flare, we went to Wendy's and Starbucks. Zacky's being a major food whore. Be back later—Matt.

Flare put the note back down, and decided to take a shower. She went to her bunk, and pulled out some clean clothes, before walking over to the bathroom. She shut and looked the door, and then took her clothes off, and turned on the shower, before getting in.

It didn't take long for her to get out of the shower. She turned off the water, and grabbed the towel from the rack, and wrapped it around her body. She got out the shower, and almost slipped on the floor. She quickly caught her balance, stopping her from crushing her skull against the sink. It was incredibly quiet, indicating that the boys had not returned from their little food adventure.

She looked over at the mirror, to see a little smiley face drawn in the fog. She raised an eyebrow, and looked over at the door, seeing that it was still locked.

"That's freaky," she said to herself, before slowly getting dressed. Once she tugged the black tee shirt over her head, she noticed that she wasn't alone in the small, cramped bathroom. She looked up to meet a pair of pretty blue eyes. She sucked in a sharp breath, and let out an ear piercing scream.
♠ ♠ ♠
597 words & rewritten.
The next one will be in first person.