Sequel: Another Chance.

Say You'll Haunt Me.


I had three days. I had three days left with Jimmy, and I had three days left to tell him. In all honesty, I wish I had more time. More time to figure out what I was doing. More time to find out how all of this worked. And, what was most important to me; More time with Jimmy.

I didn't know what to do. Well, besides the obvious—Tell him. But, how did I do that? Was I suppose to tell him gently, or just get it done and over with?

How did doctors tell their patients they only have three days left to live? How?

How could God or Buddha or whoever is in charge up there leave this information for a human to give to someone?

I wanted to scream. How is this fair?!

Day one of three.

"Jimmy," I mumbled. His piercing blue eyes locked on me and I felt my heart crack. "I need to talk to you."

"What's up, buttercup?" he replied, a smile forming on his face.

I'm not gonna lie. That made this so much harder. Fuck him for being adorable.

I frowned and he gave me a look of concern.

It's now or never.

"Jimmy, you need to move on," I said. My voice cracked, and I was afraid to cry. "You only have three days left."

Day two of three.

Jimmy didn't really speak to me. We just laid on my bunk together. We talked, but it wasn't actually talking. It was more of just having words come out of our mouths so we didn't have to drown in a depressing silence.

He refused to move on. I don't know why, but he had. He had just...refused.

I was, needless to say, worried as all fucking hell about him. He had started to become see through, more transparent than he had ever looked before. It was harder for him to do some of his ghost "powers", other than walking through walls.

It hurt to see him so vulnerable.

Day three of three.

I hadn't seen Jimmy all day, and that scared me. He would have told me if he had moved on, right?

I didn't know at this point. All I know is that after the show, Zacky and I had stayed behind at the arena we played in to talk about everything. I had managed to play a perfect show, and not let the Jimmy situation affect me. But, after we walked off stage, I started to crash and burn.

It was eleven thirty-seven. Jimmy had twenty-three minutes to stay in this world, if he hadn't moved on yet.

"Flare, he'll be fine," Zacky said, pulling me into a hug. I stood there in his embrace for about five minutes, just sobbing.

Zacky's body tense up, suddenly. His arms went limp around my waist, and he stared up behind me. I pulled away, and looked up to see his faces look beyond stunned and eyes asphyxiated passed me.

I turned around to see Jimmy, just awkwardly standing there, with his hands in his pockets.

"J-Jimmy?" Zacky asked.

"Hey, Zacky," Jimmy mumbled. It was pretty obvious he didn't want to be here.

"Jimmy, what are you still doing here?" I asked. I looked at my watch.

11:49 p.m.

"I know, I know," he replied. "Eleven minutes left. I kind of have this buzzing in my ear telling me to hurry the fuck up. I came back to see you, first."

He walked over to me and Zacky. He smiled at us, before giving Zacky a hug. I was so ready for a breakdown, that I didn't even question why he could touch us. I didn't even want to know, at that point.

"Zacky, I guess you get the opportunity to say goodbye," Jimmy stated. Zacky just shook his head, letting a tear slip through his closed eyes.

"I don't want to say goodbye. I love you, man," Zacky said, before turning around, and attempting the cry in privacy, but completely failing.

The tears formed in my eyes just listening to Zacky cry. "I don't want you to go," I whispered, letting my voice crack. I wasn't going to stop myself from crying.

He whipped one of my tears away with his thumb. "If I could stay with you, I would, Redhead."

I broke down, hearing that. He called me that the day we first met. He pulled me close to him, letting me just cry my heart out. After a minute or two, he pulled away a little, and leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. More tears fell from my eyes as he back away.

"Bye, Flare. Bye, Zacky. I'll miss you both."

And, he started fading away.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is not the end.
There's about...two more chapters left. Maybe three.
Comments, and maybe I'll finish it and start the sequel by...
Wednesday. :P