Sequel: Another Chance.

Say You'll Haunt Me.


"Holy fucking hell, girl! You can fucking scream!"

I cupped a hand over my mouth, and backed up into the shower, until I was against the wall.

"D-did you just...Did you just watch me get dressed?!" I yelled at him.

He gave me a confused look, before a sense of realization hit him. "NO!"

"Yes you fucking did! How the hell did you get in here?!"

The tall man stared at me with icy blue eyes. A look of confusion swept across his face. "Um, well, I'm not really sure. I don't remember anything, except for just appearing in here... There was fog on the mirror, and I had to draw a smiley face. Foggy mirrors compel me to do that..."

My mouth hung open a little. "Dude, the door is locked. What did you do? Walk through the wall?"

"Um, I think?"

I stared at the guy, like he had two heads. Then it hit me like a fucking train, and I screamed again.

"Would you stop that?!" the man yelled.

"No! You can't be here! You're not supposed to be here! Oh my god, I'm going fucking crazy!" I screeched, before spazzing out.

The man looked at me, with curiosity in his eyes. "What are you talking about?"

I looked up at him, with tears in my eyes. "You died."

"W-What? When?"

"At the end of December," I whispered, now slowly moving away from the wall of the shower. The remnants of water on the wall from my shower slowly soaked into the back of my tee shirt. "Y-You're the Rev. You're not alive!"

"I'm not...?" he looked down at his hands, and back to me. "Who are you?"

"F-Flare Evans. I'm Jason and Matt's cousin. I'm Avenged Sevenfold's temporary drummer on their tour."

He stood there, obviously thinking. "Dude. What the hell have I been smoking?"

I scowled at him, slightly a little braver. "Nothing. You're dead. You're not supposed to be here."

Jimmy looked up at me, and made a funny face. "Okay, is Ashton Kutcher supposed to jump out of the toilet and yell 'You just got Punk'd!'"

I grunted, before getting enough courage to move. I was praying my plan would work, when I walked straight through his body. I smirked slightly, and then it fell when I realized a fucking ghost was standing in from of me.

"What the hell?" he mumbled, touching himself. His hand didn't go through his chest as my body did.

"Told you, now why the fuck are you here?"

Jimmy shrugged, and continued to touch his chest.

"Can everyone see you?"

"I'm not sure," he said, sincerely.

"Flare!" Johnny called, as I heard crashing, movement and yelling. "We're back with Starbucks!"

I looked up at Jimmy and he looked at me.

"Guess we can find out, huh, Redhead?" he asked.

I scrunched up my nose at him. "It's Flare," I said, before turning around and twisting the doorknob around and walking out to see the others.

Only Zacky and Johnny looked up at me as I walked out. Matt wasn't there, and Brian was ignoring my presence, as always.

"Matt talking to Val?" I had asked, as Zacky handed me a cup of cold coffee with whipped cream and chocolate on top.

"Yup. He thinks we're 'too loud', so he talks to her outside," Zacky replied, scoffing.

"We are too loud," Jimmy said, and laughed. Nobody looked up or noticed him, except for me. I shrugged at him, before turning back to Johnny and Zacky. Johnny was sitting at the table, and Brian was laying on the couch, texting someone from his cell phone. Zacky was standing in front of me, completely oblivious that stand behind me was his best friend–in the form of a spirit.

"Thanks for the coffee, guys. I appreciate it," I said, smiling sincerely.

"No problem," Johnny replied, and Zacky gave me a grin.

"Any time."

Brian looked up and glared, and Jimmy remarked that.

"Wow, Bri, someone's PMSing."

I simply rolled my eyes. "Thanks again, I'm heading to my bunk guys. See you."

I turned on my heels and walked through Jimmy, yet again, and headed towards my bunk.

"Well, that experiment failed. Why can't they see me?" he asked.

"Not sure. Maybe I'm a psychic. I see dead people!" I replied, in a hushed tone. "I don't want them to hear me and think I'm nuts."

I climbed into my bunk, and laid down. Jimmy stood in front of the bunk, awkwardly. "That was my bunk..." he whispered, sadly.

I looked over at him, and saw the sad expression on his face. My heart immediately broke and my face fell. I could feel the pain that he had.. His friends couldn't see him, and they were without him. It hurt him, and it hurt me. I didn't understand why, but I could feel his pain, and it felt like an arrow to the heart.

"Jimmy, I'm sorry," I whispered. He looked up at me, with sadness in his eyes.

"I don't think I can cry. Because I totally would be right now if I could."

"I know. I would, too, if I were in your position..."

"...What even happened to me?"
♠ ♠ ♠
869 words, and rewritten.
I think I like it better in first person?