Sequel: Another Chance.

Say You'll Haunt Me.


I jumped up on one of the speakers on the stage. Jason was setting up my drum set for me, and he kind of looked irritated. I kind of felt afraid, nervous even, about asking him about granny.

"Hey, uh. Jas?" I asked.

He looked up at me from whatever he was working on. "Yeah?"

I bit my lip as he looked back down at the cymbals he was setting up. "How much do you remember Granny?"

For the record, no. She isn't dead. She lives in Columbus, Ohio. Matt, Jason and I used to live in Columbus, too. They moved to California, though, when I was younger. I was probably around ten or eleven. When I was sixteen, my mother made me move to California, too.

"Well, I remember our mothers thinking she was psycho. Like, it was ridiculous. Your mom hated it when you were around Nana. You were definitely Nana's favorite, but she always treated us equally. I was never jealous about you and her. Matt kind of was, but that's just Matt. He's a tool."

I hesitated. " you remember if she saw ghosts?"

Jason looked up at me, with a questioning look. "She always said she could. And I thought...never mind."

I raised an eyebrow at him, when he shot his eyes down and took sudden interest to the foot pedal. "Thought what, Jas?"

"I used...I used to think that you could, too. I mean, yeah, that's stupid. I know you can't. But, I mean, I would watch you and Nana. You two would sit and talk to someone that really wasn't there. It's stupid, I know."

"Maybe not, Jay," I muttered. He didn't hear me, so I just jumped off of the speaker and went to clear my head.


After the show, I felt sweaty and gross. I wasn't a part of the meet and greet, so I bailed and headed to the bus. I climbed on, locking the door behind me. I grabbed some clothes from my bunk, headed to the overly cramped bathroom, jumped in the shower, and prayed that Jimmy wouldn't make a surprise appearance.

While I was in the shower, I thought of calling my grandmother. It had been a while since I'd called her and I really needed to talk to her about things. I didn't know if I should call, or wait two weeks until we were in Columbus for a show. I was sure the guys wouldn't miss me for an hour or two while I was with my Granny. Maybe Matt and Jay would come, too.

I turned off the water, and grabbed a towel from the other side of the curtain. I wrapped it around my body, before peaking out from the curtain. Luckily, there weren't any apparitions haunting the bathroom. I smiled slightly at that thought.

I jumped out of the shower and got dressed as fast as I could. By the time that Jimmy popped into the bathroom, I was fully dressed and brushing my hair out in the mirror. I saw him in the corner of the mirror, and I almost pissed myself.

"Oh my fucking god, Jimmy! What the hell!? Do you just sneak up on me all the time? Where the hell have you been?" I screeched, all in one breath.

"To answer your questions, in order," he said, in a matter-of fact voice, "One, I don't sneak up on you all the time. Only when you're alone! And two, I've been out. With other ghosts! They taught me how to do ghostly tricks!"

I raised my eyebrows and gave him a 'what the fuck' look. "'Ghostly tricks'?"

"Yup!" he exclaimed, with a grin. "I can possess people now! Isn't that awesome!?"

"Uh, yeah. I guess. Just, no possessing me, got it?"

He pouted slightly. "Then, who am I going to practice on?"

"Practice on Brian."

"Okay!" The grin appeared on his face again, as he started floating. I rolled my eyes at him, in a childish manner, before walking out of the bathroom.

I grabbed my cell phone from my bunk and turned to look at him. He looked like he was having fun, just floating there. At that moment, I kind of wished I could float, too.

"Hey, I'm going to make a call. You stay on the bus, okay?" I said. He just looked over at me and stuck his tongue out at me. I scoffed, before walking off the bus, and pressing some numbers on my phone that was once overly familiar.

After about two or three rings, a voice answered that made me immediately homesick. "Is that you, my little Firecracker?"

I smiled at the nickname my granny gave me when I was four. "Yep, of course it is, Granny. I miss you."

"I miss you, too, Firecracker. What's the matter?"

I giggled a little. "What? I can't call my grandmother without wanting or needing something?" Okay, I did want some answers, but that's not the point.

"Of course not. But, you don't normally call me at one in the morning, even with the time differences, without something being wrong. What is it, my little Firecracker?"

I frowned. She definitely had a point. I suck a deep breath of air in, before dropping the bomb. "Granny, you can see ghosts, can't you?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Boom. Sort of a cliffhanger. I'll update, hopefully, once more tonight.
I'm pulling an all night-er, so I'll need something to do.
Comments would just be darling. So, if you see a grammar or spelling mistake, tell me!