Sequel: Another Chance.

Say You'll Haunt Me.


I sat, facing Zacky, with a very bored expression plastered on my face. Five minutes later, he was still laughing his ass off.

“Maybe, this was a bad idea?” Jimmy suggested. I shot him a ‘it’s a little to late now’ look.

That was when I decided to hit Zacky.

And I did. Right on the side of the head.

“Ow! Dude, what was that for?” Zacky complained, rubbing his head where I smacked him.

I glared at him. “Zacky, I see spirits. Ghosts. Phantoms. Ghouls. Apparitions. Whatever you want to call them.”

Zacky stared at me, blankly. “For real?”

“Yes. For real. There’s a dead guy sitting next to me right now.” I pointed to where Jimmy sat. He grinned and waved his arms in the air like a moron, but Zacky didn’t see.

“I don’t see it.”

He isn’t visible to you. I guess. I don’t know,” I replied. “Only I can see him.”

Zacky gave me a ‘you’re totally psycho’ look, but nodded, slowly. “Okay, who is he?”

I looked at Jimmy, and he made a ‘go on’ gesture. “Jimmy?” I said, in a very quiet voice. I kind of figured Zacky would be pissed I’d even said that, and I definitely didn’t want to be there when he blew up, so I did what I thought would be best.

“Okay, cool. Possess me now, dude.”

And the last thing I remember was the smirk plastered on Jimmy’s face.


[Jimmy’s Point of View.]

I blinked, and scrunched up my nose.

“Flare, what the hell?” Zacky said. I looked over at him, and Zacky froze. “F-Flare? You’re eyes are blue.”

I cocked my head to the side, and then shot my arms in the air. “Dude! Kick ass! It worked!”

Zacky looked really pale. “J-Jimmy? Dude, you’re a chick!”

“Nuuu, I’m in a chick’s body!” I exclaimed. “It’s like every guys dream!” I pulled her shirt and looked down it. “Score!”

“W-Wait. So, Flare can see you? And you’re not in heaven? What the heck?”

Zacky looked so confused, I felt bad for asking Flare to tell him. I just thought that maybe it would be better for her to not keep all the pressure on herself by keeping a big secret like that.

She was right. They would think she’s a psycho.

“Well, yeah. She can. I don’t know why I’m not in heaven or whatever afterlife, but yeah...I’m stuck here. Not that it sucks being here with Flare, I just wish that I wasn’t, well, a ghost. It has it’s perks sometimes. I get to sneak in the bathroom while she’s showering.” I raised my eyebrows suggestively, and then died laughing.

Zacky laughed, but he still seemed slightly confused. “I don’t get why only she sees you.”

I shrugged and tried to tuck a piece of bright red hair behind my—well, Flare’s—ear. “Well, her grandma sees ghosts, so maybe it’s hereditary?”

“Yo, Zee, Flare! We made it to Miami! We’re stopping for food,” Matt yelled.

“Uh, we’ll stay here!” Zacky yelled back. “Bring us back something?”

“Sure thing. See you,” he replied, before we heard the door slam shut.

“He really doesn’t know his own strength,” I commented. Zacky agreed.

“So, how long has she been seeing you?” he asked. “Wow, that totally sounded like you guys have been having an affair...”

I scrunched up my nose. “We’re not. And maybe two weeks? I dunno. I don’t really follow time. You should ask her.”

“Yeah, good point.”



“I have to pee!”

Zacky gave me a fucked up look. “Then go?”

“No! I’d have to sit down!”

Zacky started laughing his ass off, which made me start to laugh, too.

“Okay, I’m leaving her body so she can pee.”

Zacky frowned, but didn’t say anything. I don’t think he knew what to say.

“Don’t worry,” I stated, “I’ll be around. Invisible, but around. Whenever Flare starts talking to herself, I’m there!”

Zacky made a small smile. “Cool. I know you’ll be watching me then. That makes me feel better. I love you, man.”

“I love you, too, Zee. I’ll see you around.”

He smirked. “Yeah, but I won’t see you.”

“Good point.”


[Flare’s Point of View.]

I groaned loudly. My head was killing me. It felt like someone was holding my brain and just squeezing. I opened one eye to see that I was laying next to Zacky. Wow, will his girlfriend not approved of this. He was texting someone on his phone, but I really didn’t feel like being a creep and look to see who.

“Zacky,” I groaned, “go get me an aspirin, pretty pretty please?”

He looked down at me and smiled. “Sure thing, Flare.” He set his phone down and rolled out of the bunk. He came back a few minutes later with a bottle of water and a pill bottle. I thanked him, before sitting up, slowly, and popping a few aspirin in my mouth.

Zacky smiled at me, and I smiled back, kind of confused why he was smiling in the first place.

“Thanks,” he said, simply.

“Your welcome. Wait, for what?” I asked, with a confused look plastered on my face.

“For sharing your secret with me, I guess. I feel special because you trust me so much, and that Jimmy is still around. I won’t say anything to anybody, I promise.” He held up his pinky finger and I raised an eyebrow, before lifting my pinky and hooking it around his.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the long wait.
I've been grounded.
(: I kinda like this chapter.