Status: In progress.


day three.

Take back what I said.

Guess who's absent today?

Yeah, that's right. Mr. Cena.

And guess who's gonna be the sub for detention?

Yeah, that's right. The bitch, Ms. Coyne. (Pronounced like coin.)

Can you kill me? Seriously, just put the gun to my head and pull that little thingy that goes by your pointer finger. That's all you gotta do. I passed the note to my friend, Jenn, on my right.

Lololol. No can do. Life would suck withouttttt youuuu. ;D I laughed quietly, shaking my head. I crumpled the paper into a ball, hurling it over hand at the bitch in the front of the room - the one no one's paying attention to. I turned, grinning at my other friend, Tori, who sat behind me. She bit her lip to prevent from laughing.

"Who threw this?!" The bitch shrieked. "Who?!" Silence. No one said anything. "Tell me or you'll all have detention!"

"It was Valerie!" The other bitch, Alyssa, said. Blond bimbo. I scowled at her. She smirked.

"Fuckin' slut." I spat. She blinked, gaping.

"Did you hear what she called me?!"

"I did." Ms. Coyne fumed. "Principal's office. Now!"

"Aight." I stood. "Whatever gets me away from a bitch like you." I smiled sweetly, winking as I walked out.

Principal gave me another week of detention.

Fuck my life.


The only good thing about today was that I was sent home early - therefor, I didn't have to deal with the bitch in detention. Whoop, whoop.
Seriously, though. That bitch Alyssa is the head of the cheer leading squad and the biggest whore you will ever meet. She's been fucking with me for years and I'm getting sick of it. I swore to myself, if she messed with me tomorrow, I'd fuck her up. I'm sick of her.

On another note; Mr. Cena's gonna be pissed at me. That's not something I'm looking forward to. Ugh.

I lied on my bed, music blasting around me. My parents told me it was fine; I stood up for myself, that's how they taught me. Of course, I had told them I didn't throw the paper, but still. I stretched, turning off my iPod and getting under the covers. Sleep, here I come.


Alyssa steered clear of me all day. In Ms. Coyne's class, she didn't even look in my direction. She knew I was ready to rip her fake blond hair out; she knew better. Last period finally rolled in and I grew slightly afraid. My period before it is right next door, so I was the first one there. Mr. Cena spotted me and frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. I walked in, smiling sheepishly. "Hi, Mr. Cena-"


"She's such a bitch." I lowered my voice. "Ms. Coyne and Alyssa."

"Ms. Coyne, yes. But Alyssa's sweet-"

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" I said loudly, making a few passing head's in the hall turn.

"Hush." His stare hardened. "Stay outside. I'm talking to Valerie." I looked over. The girl was in my class, but I didn't know her name. She nodded, afraid, and stepped back out, closing the door. "She's a good student-"

"She's a slut." I growled.

"What makes you say that?"

"Oh, I don't know." I rolled my eyes. "Maybe the fact that she's fucked just about every guy in the school?"

"That's not true-"

"Bullshit." I snapped. "You obviously don't pay enough attention to your students. Listen in at the end of class. You'll hear at least one guy say they fucked her. Trust me."

"Fine." He sighed, looking up. "Come in." They filed in, giving us looks of confusion.

At the end of class, we all talked amongst ourselves. I turned to this guy, Brian, and said; "You know Alyssa?"

"The cheerleader?" He asked.

"Yeah. You fuck her yet?"

"Who the fuck hasn't?" He snorted. Another guy, Cody, said;

"Hell yeah! I fucked her last week."

"I fucked her 2 weeks ago." Damien said, smirking. Soon, every guy in class was bragging about the things they'd done with her. I turned to Mr. Cena. He seemed disgusted. I cocked an eyebrow at him. He shook his head, running a hand through his hair.

The bell rang and everyone prepared their stuff. I walked up to his desk. I usually just walked around with my friends to waste time, but I guess I'll go to detention early today. Wow. That's gay.

"Told you so." I grinned.

"That's just..." He made a face. "gross."

"I know, right?" I laughed, following him out.

"I'm gonna get my stuff from the teacher's room. Wait for me, alright?" He said. I nodded, leaning against the wall as he went in.

"Yo, bitch!" A voice said. I turned, bored, looking.

"Slut." I nodded at her in greeting.

"Don't fucking call me that!" She said, high voice hurting my ears.

"Alright, I won't." I nodded. "Do you prefer whore? Or cunt?"

"Shut the fuck up!"

"Yeah, I'd like to see you try and talk to me like that without your so called friends here." I stood straight, looking from one bimbo to the next. Alyssa rolled her eyes.

"You're just scared cause we can kick your ass."

"We?" I smirked. "You need help to hurt little old me?"

"No!" She barked, flustered. "I can do it myself!"

"Then do it." I stood in front of her. "Hit me, bitch. I dare you." She stood, hesitating for a second. "Afraid?"

"No!" She lunged at me. It did nothing. I threw her off me and to the ground a second later. She scowled up at me.

"Wanna try again?" I asked, eyebrow raising. Her 'friends' were whispering to each other, laughing. She heard and stood, coming at me again. I moved out of the way, her missing completely. "Nice one." I snorted. She came again, claws raised. I grabbed her by the front of the shirt, slamming her into the lockers. "I am so fucking sick of you." I growled. "You're a fucking whore and I'm done with your bullshit. You're all talk. I'm so ready to fucking punch you in your face right now, you have no idea." I lifted my fist. She cowered in fear.

"Valerie!" A voice barked. I turned.

"Mr. Cena!" Alyssa pushed me off, going for him and latching onto him. "She's a monster!" She cried, throwing her arms around him. I started laughing. Hysterically. Because his face was priceless.

"Uhm, Alyssa, calm down." He pushed her away from him. "What happened?"

"She attacked me!" She exclaimed.

"I'll talk with her." He took a step back as she grew closer. "You can go." Her and her 'friends' left and I laughed again. So hard I nearly started crying.

"Oh, that was rich!"

"Valerie." He shook his head. "You can't do that. At least wait till you're off school grounds."

"She came at me first." I defended, wiping a tear from my eye as we reached the detention room.

"I know. I saw most of it." I grinned at him.

"You wanted me to hit her."

"I did not." He said, looking out the window. "I'm not one for violence."

"Oh, pshhhhh." I pointed at him. "Because those abs totally came out of no where, then." He was silent. "Ha!"

"Well, I used to fight." He said.

"Mmhm." I said, not believing him.

"I was into wrestling for a while." He shrugged. "Decided to go for something...more realistic."

"A teacher?"


"That's gay. Like, really gay. No offense." He smiled.

"None taken."

We talked through out the detention about various things. Around the end, the principal came in.

"You attacked Alyssa?"

"What?" I gaped. "No!"

"That's not what she said." He frowned. Okay, what the fuck is he even still doing here? I know he's pathetic and all, but staying here an hour after the final bell? Does he really have no life? "I thought we talked about this."

"I know we did." I hissed. "I didn't attack her."

"She has witnesses."

"So do I!" I said before I could stop myself. Shit. I bit my lip, glancing at Mr. Cena.

"John?" He asked, watching him stand. So that's his first name....

"I saw Alyssa come at Valerie." He said, making me do a mental dance of victory. "I pulled them apart. It's not Valerie's fault."

"Well." He huffed. "Another 2 days of detention."

"WHAT?!" I yelled. "Are you fu-" Mr. Cena pinched my back, making me stop. I shot him a look. He didn't look at me.

"Alyssa will receive a weekend detention. I'm not putting you two in the same room." He shook his head. "Get home." He flicked his wrist, walking out. I fumed, turning to Mr. Cena.

"Can you fucking believe that?" I said, keeping my voice low in case he was still there.

"I can." He picked up his bag. "I expected Alyssa to rat you out."

"Fucking ridiculous." I tossed my bag over my shoulder. "Thanks for defending me, I guess." I flashed him a smile as we walked out. He returned it.

"No problem." I felt my heart speed up a little. Great. A crush on a fucking teacher.

Just fuck my life.