The Surprise Duet

The Name

*Ella's POV*

The energy of the crowd was infectious, and I was finally a part of it. Since I had first heard My Chemical Romance on my friend's CD player I had wanted to see them perform. The more I heard from them, the more I heard about them, the more I wanted to go. The lyrics, the music, Gerard Way's voice, their message, it had cast a spell on me and I had to see them for myself. And now, my best friend, Sarah, and I had finally saved up enough money and gotten two tickets for the show they were doing in Hartford, Connecticut (only about an hour from our homes).

Sarah and I shrieked as the band members ran on stage and took there places, all dressed in the Black Parade uniform. We hopped up and down like maniacs, but we weren't the only ones. The entire Civic Center was filled with crazy fans.

First Bob Bryar came from the left side of the stage, his drumsticks held high.
Then Ray Toro, fro bouncing as he ran to his guitar and picked it up.
Mikey Way jumped onto the stage next and made his way to his bass.
Frank Iero sped out, punching the air with his fists and shouting. He grabbed his guitar and got ready.
And finally, came Gerard Way: a huge smile on his face as he took his place in front of the microphone.

Sarah and I shrieked excitedly. We weren't more than fifteen feet away from the stage where our idols stood.

"All right! Thank you!" the crowd quieted down as Gerard began to speak. "Are you ready to rock out!?" he screamed to us all.

"YES!!!" all 16,000 of us shouted in unison.

"All right!" Gee shouted approvingly.

The intro to "This Is How I Disappear" began, soon Gerard was jumping and singing:


To unexplain the unforgivable
Drain all the blood and give the kids a show
By streetlight, this dark night a seance down below
There's things that I have done you never should ever know.

And without you is how I disappear,
And live my life alone forever now,
And without you is how I disappear,
And live my life alone forever now...."

It was amazing! Over 16,000 people coming together to see these men perform. But it was more than a performance; it was an inspiration. Everyone was singing along or at least mouthing the words. And the band was so passionate about what they were doing.

After "This Is How I Disappear" came "The Sharpest Lives," "Mama," and "House Of Wolves."

"Okay," Gerard gasped, slightly winded after running around and singing for more than ten minutes straight. "We're gonna take it down a bit. I was talkin' to the band and we thought it might be nice to have someone help me out up here. Before you all came into the arena we had you print your full names on slips of paper. Now I'm gonna pull a name out of this box, the person on the paper gets to come up here and sing with me." As he said this a security person came on stage, carrying a giant box. It looked like it was made of thin wood, dark gray with the words "THE BLACK PARADE" painted boldly in white. Gerard thanked him and took it.

"I'm gonna shake the shit outta this thing to make it fair!" he said as he shook the box with all his might.
He opened the latch on top of the box and reached his hand inside, pointedly looking in the other direction. The crowd watched anxiously. He finally pulled a slip of paper out. He set the box down at his feet, cleared his throat and read the name into his mic.

"Emma... Rosetti!"

I blinked, standing stock still. Was this a dream? No, it was real. He had to call somebody's name... and it just happened to be mine. Sarah gasped and turned to me.

"You lucky bitch! Get your ass up there!!!" she yelled. I was frozen in place. The entire Hartford Civic Center had gone deadly silent.

"SHE'S RIGHT HERE!" Sarah shouted, jumping up and down and pointing to me.

"Oh. My.. God!" I whispered. A path began to clear and she pushed me through it. Two of the ten security guards positioned around the edge of the stage helped me up. Sarah grinned and stood next to one of the guards, as close as she could to the stage, looking up at me.

Gerard Way walked over to me and handed me a second microphone.

"Welcome to the Black Parade. Are you ready?" he asked, smiling.
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