
Chapter - 6 Emily

I felt the blood race from my head. My heart started pounding. Would he realy kill me. Of course he would, he jumped from a god forsaken building and almost killed several people all in one day.
Could this realy be it, could this realy be the last hour of my life. Of course not there has to be at least 20 police here. They wouldn't let me die...would they?
"Point your guns down or i'll kill her" The boy shouted to the cops.
"This is your last chance, give us the money and the girl." one of the cops with a megaphone replied.
I felt the gun move away from my neck. The boy fired 3 shots at the police, not hitting any of them. They all ducked behind there cars.
Suddenly I was being dragged. The boy was trying to escape. This guy just didn't want to give up did he. No, i could honestly see why he wouldn't surrender. If he did give himself up, who knows what kind of punishment he would face. How many years of juvy or prison. Would they actualy kill him. Whatever happend to this kid i didn't want to be a part of it.
I planted my feet and tried to pull my arm free. My attempt failed. The boy turnede around and bashed me in the head with gun. He continuead to drag me with him. My vision slowly began to blur. My head began to throb were he had hit me. The last thing i heard, was guns firing at him, better us.
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sory didnt have time to right much so i just made it fast.