Status: it's moving along but slowly

Consequences of Being The Daughter of an EX-Professional

Opening Up

I smiled and walked into my home. This was my safe haven. Away from the people who constantly had something to say to me at school.
Mom had something to say to me that day. I didn’t know exactly what it was but dad insisted I knew what school was like for my mother.
“Babe you’re home.” My mom smiled giving me a hug and a kiss. I smiled and nodded.
“Hey mom.” She laughed and walked over to the sofa. I decided I’d follow. Tom and Jerry was on the large TV screen. I laughed as the Tom tried to catch Jerry. My mum just watched me intensely with her bright green orbs. “Mom, Misery” I waved my hands in front of her lifeless face. She snapped out of her daze and laughed at me. I frowned and asked what she had to tell me. her eyes fell to her hands.

“My beautiful girl. I need to tell you what my High school experience was like. Your father needs me to tell you.” She smiled weakly and looked up at me.
“Why do I need to know though, I’m getting through just fine. I have my friends I have my enemies like any other teenage girl. Why are you so concerned about me knowing?” I asked honestly now understanding why I was to be told about my mother’s high school experiences.
“Darling you need to know because; well I was more or less a prostitute at your age. My male teachers paid me to have sex with them.” Tears welled up in her eyes and they became cloudy. I stayed quiet processing information given to me. “But that isn’t all. When I was sixteen, my teachers raped me one of them recently got out of jail. I needed you to know this so you don’t make the same mistake. You’re a beautiful girl and your teachers might take advantage of that.” Misery cried. I felt myself move forward and fold my arms around her.
“Its okay mom I’d decline any offer they throw at me.” I smiled my gray eyes looking into her own green ones. “Mom is Harrison really my dad?” I asked curiously. I mean if she was screwing teachers it’s possible that I am indeed one of those teachers’ babies. She nodded and whispered yes Hunny. I smiled. It was nice to know that my dad was really my dad. “Mom are you feeling okay?” I asked her as she let her head fall into her hands.
“Yes hunny they are just bad memories.” She lifted her head and smiled like the strong woman I knew she was. But what I couldn’t work out is if you know people who are rapists in this town... why didn’t she move?

“Marina Renee!” my fathers’ voice boomed. He was quite a handsome man. With his black hair and grey eyes identical to my own.
“Yeah Dad?” I smiled innocently at my father. Either he was playing with me or his mood swings had kicked in. I didn’t do anything wrong to my knowledge.
“Why haven’t I got a hug yet?” he smiled at me. I sighed relieved I didn’t have to deal with another argument between Harrison and Misery. They always fought when he was in one of his moods. She always defended me when she knew I’d done nothing wrong and he always insists that I have. I think we have gone through four coffee tables in the past year and a half. Mom deals with it pretty well.
I got up and ran over to Dad and gave him a big hug. He wrapped his strong arms around me and smiled. “How was your day at school darling?” he asked me as he took my hand in his and led me over to the couch my mother was sitting on. I explained my day in full detail to my parents. I knew I could trust them with everything.

By the time I was finished talking it was around dinner time and frankly I was starving. But like always I went for a walk down to the local park. When I was little I remember Harrison and Misery bringing me to this little park, it was cute and almost hidden away from the busy street. Usually there weren’t many people there. Some days the numbers differed. Today it was just me and a family of three. I smiled and sat on the swing rocking back and forth as I thought.
“H-H-Hi” a shaky male voice was echoing through my ears. It was a voice I’d never heard before. I turned to see who was but found myself staring into the chest of a boy around my height. I stood quickly and almost made a fool of myself. I looked the boy up and down. His blonde hair was of a medium length and he had bangs. To me, the boy standing in front of me was dreamy. But I have no idea who he is.
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okay so it's been a while I'M SORRY really. i am. but i've just started year 11 and it's been hectic! but thank you to:
Lurking_shadow who is awesome
and last but not least twilover
I'm deeply greatfull for feedback. it's what gives me the motivation to write more so this update is for you guys :D
