Status: First priority! I need to finish:)


Chapter Three: Fallyn's POV

I quickly got out of the mortuary, onto the streets of Hollywood. I needed to get home. Right, I didn't drive here, I had gotten a cab. Well i guess i will just walk home, or run. I prefer to run. Running makes me feel free, and a bit happy.

Once at my apartment I looked around, it was the same as i left it. It smelled of those in scents, and wasn't to clean. I had the stranges feeling that something was off.

"Ludwig," I called out, that was my cat's name. He was beautiful, black as midnight, with two big blue sapphire eyes.

I heard a soft meow. I laughed as i saw that he was laying on my bed, belly up. I patted his stomach and he playfully swatted me with his little paws. He purred softly.

I felt a sharp pain in my chest, a pain called sadness. My mind wandered onto Emily, I missed her. She was my only friend at school, other than Noah. I sound pathetic, but it is true.

Meeting her was something i will never regret, like they say, remember the good memories to put aside the bad ones.

I sighed, dozing off on to the memory of my first day at Hollywood high...

Being new at school isn't so great. And making new friends, well that just isn't my specialty. I've only met one person, Noah, he seems like a sweet heart, blue eyes, light brown hair.

Overall my classes aren't bad, they seem easy. The first classes flew by, I was ignored, but i don't care. It's not like I have ever stayed in a school long enough to get noticed.

Lunch came, i wasn't hungry, but i bought a cookie. It was calling me and i couldn't help it. Well I scanned the room, I had to make friends, I knew I was going to stay here all year, I was eighteen. It was my choice now.

The first people I noticed were these two girls, they looked stuck up, and pretty mean. They seemed to be the leaders, every boy threw themselves at them. And every girl wanted to be friends with them, but i guess secretly envied them. I chuckled, they were cheerleaders. Seriously, I thought that only happened in movies, guess not.

The room was filled with a lot of different people. They all had their little, well actually huge cliques. Rockers, Jocks, Geeks, the typical groups you would see. Out of all these people, someone kind of stood out to me. She sat alone, not seeming to mind that she was alone. I watched as she picked at her food. I decided to go up to her, i liked her. (And not in lesbian way you perve.)

I sat across from her, setting my bag on my lap. She didn't notice me. Five minutes had passed and she finally looked up. Big green eyes starred at me. She was really pretty, i loved her hair, it was a really dark brown. It was layered but long, and it fitted her nicely.

She opened her mouth to say something then shut it. I wondered what she was going to say. She studied me, tilting her head a bit. If I had to guess she was a goth.

"Hi," I said smiling kindly.

She looked at me, narrowing her eyes a bit, "Hi," it sounded like a question. She looked back down at her food and took a bite. Chewing it and swallowing it slowly. She sighed heavily, "Look, what ever dare this is, or if they paid you to come and talk to me, well I will pay you double, for god sakes triple. If you will just leave me alone."

My jaw dropped, I was a little shocked, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come off wrong. No one paid me, I'm just new her, and i just wanted to talk to you and say hi or something."

"Well i suggest you go talk to Marilyn and Kate, they are top dogs here. You might have a better time with them, than me the loser," she nodded toward the cheerleaders.

"Bottle blonds, no thanks, I rather have friends that got my back, then ones that will stab it," I smiled briefly.

"Well go find someone else," she said agitated.

"Your difficult missy," I eased my voice.

"So are you," she had frustration written all over her face.

"I know," I said more to myself than to her,One question though."

"Fine, what?"

"Why don't you want any friends, I mean look at me here, trying to be your friend. And you just blow me off like this. Honestly, out of all my years in life. Not once has this hapened to me," I ran a hand through my hair.

"Friends are a pain," there was sadness behind that answer.

"Only bad ones, but good friends are a virtue that may keep life going," I smiled sincerely.

She glance at me, then looked away. "I'm Emily," she said a few moments later, was this a surrender to being my friend? Was this short was over, I smiled widely and stayed silent

"Look, I may not be good with making new friends, but i think this is the point were you say, 'HI Emily, I'm blank'," she sighed.

"Hi Emily, I'm blank," I repeated, laughing. she glared but then laughed a bit.

"You know what I meant by that," she gave me a serious look, i was beginning to learn that Emily was the type with many facial expressions.

"My Name is Fallyn," my voice sounded flat.

"Fallyn, huh? That's epic. I mean Emily, mine is oh so very average," she sighed, "Thank you,"

I was a bit confused, "For what?"

"You pushed me to be your friend, and well surprisingly I am glad you did. Sorry for yelling at you," she sounded sincere.

"It's okay," I grinned, "You would have been my friend eventually, I don't give up that easily,'

She laughed. Our conversation went on. I had a best friend, a true friend.

That's a memory that i will always cherish. A couple of tears were on my cheek. I wiped them away.

My cell phone rang, alarming me a bit. I got it out of my pocket and answered it, "Hello."

"Were are you Falls," Noah, i figured.

"Noah, sorry i have to go," I didn't feel like talking.

"Fallyn, uh, you are home aren't you," his voice sounded a bit concerned.

"No, yes, Noah, i have to go, sorry," I shut my phone quickly.

I felt as if though I needed Emily right now more than ever. Why do i feel that her death was all my fault. I know i didn't kill her, but what if I did?

I sighed deeply, iI remembered i had a dreadful semester of school left. Perhaps i could just move again, that seem like a somewhat good option.

There was a loud knock on the door, I slowly went to go get it.

"Fallyn, hi," I surely thought it was going to be Noah but instead it was, honestly I don't know who in hell this is.

"How do you-" he cut me off by walking around me into my apartment.

"Nice place," he said, going toward my living room. He sat on the couch, Ludwig had jumped onto his lap, purring loudly. This random stranger petted his head.

I walked toward him, "Who the hell are you?"

He put a hand to his mouth and gasped dramatically, eyes wide, "How dare you speak to a guest in that manner."

The guy was getting on my last nerve, "Guest?! You are not my guest, so why don't you get your ass off my couch and leave."

He smiled, "Feisty and by the way, I'm, let me see, why don't you guess my name."

I sighed in frustration, "I don't know," I looked at him and a name popped into my head, "Darren."

"Correct," he smiled widely. I didn't really look at him until now, he was, descent. He had black hair with one blood red streak in it. Scary gray eyes that seemed to let out nothing. Even if he was good looking he was still getting on my nerves.

"Okay, now leave," I harshly demanded.

"Don't you want to know why you are feeling different Fallyn," I have been feeling different, but i wasn't going to tell him that, "Have you lost your appetite, can't sleep, feel like something has died in you?"

I starred at him, he got up and walked toward me, I froze, "I'm right, aren't i Fallyn," he was only inches away from me. With his hand he traced a scar on my wrist, "I know why you feel like this."

I took a step back, "It's because i feel depressed, it happens when someone close to you dies."

"True, but what about your abilities, to predict things, to move faster than most, to read peoples minds," he was right, except for the last part. I was spooked.

"Please leave," it was barely a whisper.

"You're dead Fallyn, you died," he took another step closer.

"NO I am not, just go," I was afraid.

He pulled out a knife. I had a strange feeling of Deja vu. He was going to kill me, i shook my head at him. With one quick move he stabbed my chest. I expected the pain to be terrible and to seem it would last forever. But i waited, the pain didn't come. I looked down at the knife. Blood oozed out a little, just a little. I grabbed on to the handle of the knife and pulled it out. I could feel the knife there, but it felt numb. I didn't feel the pain.

I shook my head as i dropped the knife, "I can't be dead, I'm still here aren't I, that's, it's just surreal."

"I'm sorry, but you are, let's talk, come sit with me," he led us to the couch. I sat down and starred blankly.
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Two chapters in one day! I'm proud, please comment. I love the criticism. I helps me. I'm glad, this chapter is longer, i hope you liked it. Remember, if you did then comment, subscribe, and add me, the whole nine yards:)