‹ Prequel: Statues Without Eyes

Black Rose

Bringing Down Stetler a Notch

It's been a few months since the whole Brazil incident. In those few months, Tyler was walking more and starting to use more words, sure they weren't full on sentences but he could start to say names, that he was hungry or thirsty, and a lot of yeah and no's. Then not to mention, my stomach was starting to show just a tad, it wasn't too noticeable to the average person but I knew. Almost 5 months now, which meant Tyler was going to be a year and a half older than his new sibling once he or she arrived.

This day in particular, there happened to be some diamonds gone missing from the evidence locker at the lab. One that was causing a big controversy which I was glad to be away from since Tyler had to get booster shots today, so I had most my day off. Ryan, on the other hand, had to deal with Stetler and well even though it wasn't his fault, Eric since he was still kinda working on the other side.

I had taken Tyler out for a walk, carrying him around the block since the stroller was left at my dad's house and Ryan said he'd pick it up after work, but coming back up the block of our house, there were a ton of cop cars surrounding and a few people starting to show up. I made my way slowly to the house to find the police around my house and none other than Stetler barking out his order.

"Stetler," I glared walking up to him with Tyler.

"I'm sorry Ms. Caine, I can't allow you to go in there."

"And why not?" I snapped, "It's my house!"

"It's part of an investigation."

"For what?" I glared at him wanting to smack him, "And you need a search warrant."

"I've got one," He held it up, "What do you know about the diamonds that were missing from the case file this morning?"

"Only that they were missing and things were being done to find them."

"Have you seen your husband today?"

"This morning," I glared at him again, "You're trying to say Ryan did this?"

"We have evidence to believe he did."

"Like hell you do!"

"Ms. Caine, you need to step back and stay out of this investigation."


"If you get in the away of this investigation, I'll have you arrested."

"This isn't over Rick," I glared at him taking my phone out of my pocket as some officer called Stetler back into the house.

I walked down the street a bit to call Ryan, waiting impatiently on the phone rings. It took three rings before Ryan finally answered.

"Ryan! They're all over the house."

"What? Sylar, slow down, what's going on?" Ryan questioned.

"Stetler, he's saying you took the diamonds and they have a search warrant and there's cops all over, going through our house Ryan."

"Where are you?'

"Down the street," I sighed feeling the tears in my eyes.

"Ryan, tell them you didn't do it. I know you didn't."

"Deep breaths, Sy," Ryan sighed but I could hear the anger in his voice, "We'll get through this, I promise. Are you and Tyler ok?"

"Fine," I sniffled.

"I'll be there with H soon."

"Hurry Ryan," I hung up my phone to head back towards the house.

It felt like maybe two minutes later when the Hummers flew towards mine and Ryan's place in which Ryan jumped out of and ran towards his house, followed by Natalia, Calliegh, and Horatio, who now walked up to me and Tyler.

"Are you ok?" Horatio asked as I nodded.

"We're ok," I smiled lightly at him, "Just I know that Ryan didn't do anything, wouldn't do anything like this."

"I know," I gave me a light smile, "Hang in there, ok?"

I followed Horatio into the house to figure out what was going on, seeing if someone could explain everything. It was then that Ryan was pissed, super pissed. Practically in Stetler's face about him framing him which we all pretty much knew was true. Then there was Eric, who was still on the wrong side of things and only doing his job but Ryan already being upset, was slightly pissed at him too.

Stetler had Ryan arrested, as I followed him out to the car to at least say goodbye to him.

"You know I didn't do it, right?" Ryan asked as I nodded.

"That's enough Mr. Wolfe," Rick glared at him.

"Rick," Horatio interupted to motion for him over to talk.

"I know," I nodded looking at him in handcuffs, "I'll prove that you're innocent."

"You can't be on the whole case," He sighed looking at me, "The whole lab can't be."

"But that means Eric is the only one-"


"He should trust you, he knows you just as well as I do," I looked at him.

"I know, but he's got others breathing down his neck too."


"Hey, it'll be ok," He smiled lightly at me, "I'll meet you at the station."

"Ok," I tried to smile to feel his lips connect to mine.

They put Ryan in the police car to take him to the station as I walked up to Eric who was now heading out of the house.

"Eric, you know Ryan didn't do anything," I looked at him.

"The evidence says-"

"Screw evidence!" I snapped at him, "You and I both know that evidence can be planeted."

"I've got my job to do," Eric looked at me, a sterness to his voice but that look in his eyes told me he believed Ryan and was going to have his back.

I spent the next 3 hours at the station and lab, but not for reasons that I wanted to. Luckily, Natalia had made a diaper run for Tyler as well as getting good since I couldn't go back to the house to get any of that.

The investigation even went into the next day, one of which I was staying at Calleigh's house, sleeping on the floor next to the couch where Tyler was surrounded by pillows so he wouldn't fall off. Calleigh woke me up at 8 to head back towards the lab, as Caleb came over to watch Tyler.

When I got there, I seen Ryan standing in a room with Horatio and Eric, then Stetler sitting at a table. It looked intense as they talked to him, then Rick being placed in handcuffs by Ryan, letting my smirk spread across my face.

Ryan and Eric walked him to the elevator as Ryan thanked Eric than walked off, leaving me time to walk up to Eric to thank him.

"Thank you," I smiled at Eric.

"For what?" He smirked at me.

"You know what," I smiled at him.

"You know I'd never turn my back on anyone in the lab."

"That's good to know," I smiled at him.

"I got to go fill out some paper work," He smiled back at him, "I'll talk to you later."

"Yeah, maybe dinner?"

"You've go my number."

Eric walked off as I seen Ryan and ran into his arms.

"I always hated Stetler."

"Everyone did," I smirked adt him.

"Ready to go home?"

"Yeah, Caleb's got Tyler yet," I nodded at him.

"Still, one kid's still following me," He smirked.

"Shut up," I shoved him.

"Come on," He took my hand.

"So about that dog," I smiled at him, "Tyler could use a pet."

"You're crazy you know that right?"

"Well you do know my dad," I stuck my tongue out at him.

"That is true."

"Let me just go check when I work next for sure and I'll meet you back at the house."

"Ok," Ryan kissed me quickly.

I headed to my usual lab where the schedule hung and where Jesse was also working on something on a case.

"Hey Jesse," I smiled at him.

"Hey Sy," Jesse smiled at me, "How are you?"

"Better," I smiled.

"I heard," He smirked looking at evidence than up at me.

"Yeah, Stetler can't bother us anymore."

"That's always a good thing."

"It is," I smiled then noticed a note about Nick Stokes calling me, "Did Nick call?"


"About what?" I questioned looking at him.

"You remember how we caught our killer, had him in jail in Vegas?"

"Yeah," I nodded, "I thought it was solid evidence?"

"It was," He sighed, "But he's been released from custody."

"You've got to be kidding me?" I looked at him.

"They heard about everything with Stetler here and before he could even be tried, his lawyer got him released on account that our evidence would be inconclusive."

"So, you're saying-"

"We're starting fresh," He sighed.

"Lovely," I rolled my eyes then heading to the door, "Guess it's an early morning tomorrow, huh?"

"Yeah, enjoy the rest of your day off."
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry for the filler-ness. But I'm slowly starting to pick his back up