
Playing with you

"Good work, Dinozzo." On receiving this compliment from his boss, Anthony Dinozzo suppressed his initial response, and decided to go with a simple 'thank you, Boss'. The urge that built inside him to make a sarcastic comment about how McGee responded to the vic at the crime scene, probably involving the name McSqueamish, was destroyed when he heard the sincerity in his boss' voice. He grinned through the rear view mirror at young McGee, who returned a look of anger and annoyance, narrowing his eyes at the senior field agent.

So far, the journey back to NCIS had been the usual; mocking Gibbs' driving, and then struggling to remain upright when he retaliated by tugging on the wheel and causing the car to bolt sideways, but something about that comment had silenced the agents. Retrospectively, Dinozzo had done a better job than either McGee or Gibbs were prepared to give him credit for. He had helped Palmer carry a badly decomposed body up several flights of stairs after McGee declared he was too disgusted to help for himself like Gibbs had asked. He had then found a key piece of evidence that McGee had overlooked due to feeling too sick to continue processing the elevator. And of course, the rest of his spare time at the scene consisted of a subtle blend of mocking and tormenting his younger fellow agent to the best of his ability, which in Tony's eyes was another achievement.

Timothy McGee sat in the back of the car behind Dinozzo. His eyes were fixed to the pair of sun shades he was turning around between his fingers, and his mind was attempting to process thoughts from the crime scene. He was asking himself how he could be so effected by a corpse in an elevator, and how it could effect his work to the extent that he would have to remove himself from the scene.

Gibbs noted the tension in the car between his agents, and acting on impulse, pulled the wheel 90 degrees, sending the car into a skid and eventually stopping. The younger agents launched their arms in front of themselves trying to cushion the blow, and then turned to face their now grinning boss.

"I'm not moving until you two sort yourselves out." Gibbs mumbled, and turned back around to face the wheel, drumming his thumbs up and down the leather surfaces to block out the sound of multiple angry motorists blaring their horns. The car was parked almost horizontally across a lane of the road, but his didn't seem to nerve Gibbs, who waited patiently for a good two minutes until a nervous McGee mumbled the words 'I'm sorry, boss', and then he slammed the car back into gear, accelerating and pinning the three of them to the back of their seats.

Dinozzo attempted to look unfazed by the sudden rapid gain in speed by sighing and added in a somewhat patronizing manner "Don't apologize, McGee, it's a sign of weakness."