
Speak To Me

"Ah, sweet Jesus, McGee. You do know how to hide." Tony closed the thick wooden door behind him, walking to the feet sprawled out from behind a book shelf that poked out of the center of the room. "Ironically, I think I found the world hide and seek champion. I have been looking everywhere for you, and I mean everywhere. Which begs the question; why are you in a supply closet?" Dinozzo lowered himself to McGee's level, crouching down in front of him and making eye contact. Eye contact that McGee was desperately trying to break.

"Leave me alone, Tony."

"But McGee, you're in a closet." Tony raised an eyebrow at his colleague who was slumped in the dark against a wall like a child that had lost his favorite toy. He sat back on his heels and McGee drew his knees up to his chest away from Tony.

"It was previously un occupied." the younger field agent hinted, but Dinozzo pretended he hadn't noticed and raised his eyebrows, expecting an answer. "I'm sorry, Tony. But you annoyed me. I don't know what possessed me at the scene this morning, but-"

"I know. I'm an ass. Speaking of asses, can we at least find somewhere with seating, because mine is numb? I don't want to ruin the game, but I've sort of won anyway." McGee, despite his better judgment, grinned, and then pushed Tony backwards onto the floor. Tony collected himself and then climbed to his feet, dusting off his suit.

"You're an ass. And very insensitive." McGee rolled his eyes and held his hand out for Tony to lift him up.

"I would apologize, Proby." Tony started, "but it's a sign of weakness." McGee pulled himself to eye level before glaring at Tony and then leaving him standing the closet, flicking the light switch and pulling the door closed behind him.

Tony stood motionless in the now pitched black closet. "Erm, McGee? Proby?"