Three Magical Fairies

Deci's Humble Abode.

Billie stopped him, "Wait! We've got to get our wishes out of the way."

Tré frowned at Billie and then smiled, "How 'bout we get high while we party and Mike can stock her fridge with coffee?"

Mike looked at Deci and her new hairstyle, "That works for me, you wanna go clubbing or to your house?"

Deci yawned.

Billie grinned, "Her house."

Tré looked at Billie then Deci, "Where's your house at?"

Deci yawned again, "Follow." She started walking down the alley.

Tré's tutu, wings, and wand disappeared. He grinned at Billie and Mike who still had their tutus and wings.

Billie stuck his tongue out at Tré, "Why'd your stuff disappear?"

"I fulfilled her wish."

Mike looked down at himself and then at Deci, "Wish for your coffee, please, I don't wanna walk around like this."

Tré sighed and snapped his fingers. Mike looked around and stared. Deci looked up, "Uh... Welcome to my humble abode, also known as The Nine-by-Nine Square."

Tré held his arms out, "She's not that far off."

Mike looked at her, "Is this just the front room?"

Deci shook her head, "Well, I could say that the closet is my bedroom, it is where I sleep."

Billie looked at her, "You sleep in the closet? What the fuck?"

Deci looked around her room and pointed, "Well, I couldn't put a bed over there or my guitar wouldn't have a place. There's the 'kitchen'," she made quotation marks in the air, "and I have this mini-washer thing in the corner. I have a giant TV." She pointed to the giant plasma screen hanging on the wall, "I have a couch, well, technically it's a love seat, and a mini-fridge and... That's about it. Oh, and there's the bathroom over there," she pointed to a door covered in black and green splattered paint.

Tré was staring at the giant TV. He sat down on the couch in front of it and as if he were almost in a daze asked, "Where's the remote?"

Deci glanced around and then back to Tré, "You're sitting on it."

Tré looked down, spread his legs, then stood up and put his head between his knees, saw the remote, grabbed it, sat down and leaned back. He turned on the TV and started flipping through channels.

"He do that every time he sits on the remote?"

Mike shrugged, "Pretty much."

Billie looked at the little room and then looked at Deci, "So, about those wishes?"

Deci grinned, "Well, I wish for... whatever ya' got. And Mike I want some mocha frappucinno's, it's been too long since I've had any."

Mike looked at his wand and then his tutu, "Right... What am I supposed to do?"
Mike looked at Billie for help and Billie shrugged. Mike looked at Tré and Tré was staring at the TV, "Tré! What do I do?"

Tré wasn't paying attention and Deci noticed what he was watching, "Tré! That's freaking pay-per-view!! Get it off of that!!!"

Tré looked away from the TV, "Huh?"

Deci and Mike talked at the same time. When they stopped they looked at Tré expectantly. Tré sighed, "Wave the wand, Mike, and Deci, I wanna watch The Batman Vs Superman cartoon," he pouted at Deci.
Deci caved, "Okay."
Tré grinned gleefully, "Yay!!" And he turned back to the TV.

Mike waved his wand and the mini-fridge, the part that didn't have food in it, filled with bottles of frappucinno's.