Three Magical Fairies

And... They're Gone!?

Deci looked at the quiet Mike sitting outside the music store. Deci walked out and the alarm went off, but she didn't care.

The clerk looked up, shrugged, and then went back to reading his magazine.
Deci sat down beside Mike, "You can talk now."

Mike looked at her, "Why'd you tell me I couldn't talk?" he really didn't know, that note was a joke.

Deci grinned, "Oh, something about how sexy your voice is and I didn't want to forget Kev's voice."

Mike frowned at her.

She waved her hand toward the store and realized that she had a CD in her hand, "Oh...that'd be why. I kinda wondered why the alarm went off."

Mike smiled at her, "Let's go pay for it."

Deci sighed, "Okay, if I have to."

They walked back into the store. Deci paid for the CD and they walked to the food court. Dare met up with them there, "Hey, have you guys seen Tré? He was walking with me and then, poof, he just disappeared."

"Like poof he's gone magically or poof he ran off?"

Dare rolled his eyes, "Poof magically. I don't say poof 'cause he ran off!"

Deci pouted and turned to Mike. Mike glared at Dare and hugged Deci.

Dare stuttered, "D-Deci, I...I... Oh, fuck!" One thought was going through Dare's head, 'She's in one of her moods again, where everything bothers her.' Dare hung his head and walked away.

Deci backed away from Mike and mumbled, "Sorry."

Mike looked at her, worried, "What's wrong?"

"I just...Well, last night I had a nightmare and it was about someone I care about...and I don't know I'm just on edge...I know I shouldn't have acted like that...and that kinda makes me feel like crying too...I don't know."

Mike hugged her, "I understand."

Tré appeared beside them, "Hi..." He looked around, "Where's Dare?"

Deci looked at Tré, "I chased him off."

Tré looked confused, "What?"

Mike sighed, "She got sad and mad at the same time and Dare left."

"Oh. I'll go find him!" Tré ran off.

"C'mon Deci, let's go to your place."

Deci looked up at Mike. He was taking care of her, not that many people have ever done that. So far, including Mike, three.

Mike pointed at himself and Deci and they disappeared.


They reappeared at Deci's apartment. Mike sat her down on the loveseat and then made a pot of coffee.

"Deci, why do you live in the tiny apartment? I've seen bigger rooms than this."

"Well, I'm kinda attached to it. I mean it was the first place... I.... uh.... did something with someone."

Mike looked at her, "Really? You did that with someone in this tiny room?"

Deci looked at him, "Yes I did. In that same closet I sleep in. Different mattress though."

Mike fixed the cups, "Did you live here when you did it? Do you want sugar and cream or what?"

"I didn't live here then and nah, black coffee's fine. We kinda had a giant party in the building 'cause Dare said it would be torn down later. But then Dare's dad remodeled it and actually tried to get people to rent the rooms, but no one ever did. So he let Dare have the building."

Mike handed her coffee to her and sat down beside her, "If you don't mind me asking... who was it?" He had a suspicion of who it was.

Deci blushed before answering, "Uh..." Then she mumbled the answer so that it sound kind of like 'pez'.

Mike looked at her, "You did it with a Pez dispenser, I haven't heard of that one before." His face was calm and he sounded sincere.

Deci looked at him and laughed, "No, I said, Kev. Why do you wanna know anyway?"

"Oh, just for conversation." Mike grinned at her.

"Yeah, I so, believe that."

"Honest, just for conversation."

Just then Tré burst into the room, "I can't find Dare!"

Then a bass drum was hit downstairs.

Tré grinned, "I found Dare!"

Mike stood up, "Uh... Billie needs me, I gotta go." He pointed at himself and disappeared.

Tré plopped down on the couch beside her, "So, what were you two talking about?"

"Sex. And y-ou missed it!" she said the 'you' in a singsong voice.

Tré looked insulted, "Well, fine! I'll just watch it on y-our T.V." He copied her singsong voice for the 'your'.

He grabbed the remote before Deci could reach it and switched it on, "Hmm, where's the dirty channels?"

"I'm not tellin' you!"

"Fine, we'll just have to go through every channel 'til we get to one."


Tré changed the channel and it went to a music channel and the video for Holiday was playing. Tré looked at her with an expression that said, 'You knew that was on didn't you?'

She just smiled at him and said, "That chick in the green dress is hot!"

Tré smiled and said, "Yes she is!"

"So's the bartender and... that weird guy doing the swim dance thing is cool too!"

Tré watched the video until it showed the 'guy' dancing, "He is soooo totally not cool! He's a total geek!"

Billie appeared behind him, "Well, thanks for the compliment." The sarcasm dripping from his voice.

Deci laughed, "I think he's cool! He went to a bar dressed like that!"

Billie chuckled.

Then the guy in the leather coat and beer in his hand came up and Deci said, "But that guy's a complete dork! Who wears stuff like that!?" She turned to face Billie and he was wearing a leather jacket like in the video, "Oh... Yeah, he's still a complete dork..." She looked at Billie and got up and went to the door, "Like you!" Then she was gone.

Billie blinked twice before realizing what she said, "What!" He ran out the door after her.

Tré sat on the loveseat laughing. Mike appeared, "Hey, where's Deci?"

"Billie chased her out, they're both out there somewhere."

A couple minutes later Billie came back in, "She's not back here? I couldn't find her."

Mike stood up, "What?"

Billie looked at Mike, "You're here? But you were supposed to stay with him."

Mike walked over to the door and looked out, "You couldn't find her? He wanted you to stay with him, not me." Then he called down the hall, "Deci! C'mere!"

Tré got up from the couch, "She's not a dog, Mike."


Across town at a certain hotel, a certain girl was riding in the elevator to the top floor to get a certain boy and go have certain fun.


Billie looked at Mike, "Then I better go back."

"Help me look for Deci, first."

"Hold on." Billie wiggled his nose and the T.V. turned to several pictures of all the rooms in the building. Some of the pictures changed and showed different angles of the same room. One flashed and showed Dare in the bathroom.

Tré looked at Billie, "I didn't need to see that!"

Mike looked at all the other pictures, "She's not in any of them."

Then the screen went blank.

Then Tré suggested, "Well, maybe she went outside... to smoke or something?"

Billie was about to leave again when he said, "Does she smoke cigarettes?"

Mike and Tré shrugged. Billie twitched his nose and left. A minute later he was back, "Kev's gone, too!"

Mike looked at him, "What!?"


In a small coffee place, called C. Offee, that was pretty close to the certain hotel, that certain girl and certain boy were sitting there laughing and catching up.


Mike walked out the door, "I'm gonna go look for them."

Tré walked out too, but he went to the basement to tell Dare.

Billie went to tell Adie.


Kev was grinning at Deci, "I can't believe you followed Mike's trail."

Deci pulled out a small map of the town, "Not that hard when you've got the right map." She looked down at it and saw a little pink dot disappear and reappear in the same spot. Then a little green dot walked away from the pink dot and down a street. The little black dot disappeared completely and reappeared at the far end of the map.

Kev looked at her, "Kinda like Harry Potter, huh?"

Deci stuck her tongue out at him, so that's where she'd seen it.

Then the green dot jumped to right outside C. Offee. Deci looked at him, "Fuck! Get under the table! Do something!"

Kev looked at her, "I may be a Sprite, but I can't disappear like they can. What do I do?"

"Under the table! Under the table!"

A few people in C. Offee were looking at her like she was nuts, the rest didn't care.

Kev dived under the table just as Mike walked in the door. He walked to the counter and ordered. When he got his order he looked around and saw Deci. He looked relieved, so he walked over to her.

Mike sat down in front of her, "Deci, why'd you leave?"

"I had planned on coming here and... I guess I forgot to tell you... sorry." She giggled and then bit her bottom lip.

Mike looked at her funny, "Oh, well, I was kinda worried."

She jumped in her seat and Mike thought he heard her hiss under the table, 'Fucker!' then she grinned at Mike, "I'm fine and sorry I worried you."

Mike frowned at her, but his cell phone went off before he could say anything. He flipped open the phone and said, "Hello?"

A second passed and then he said, "Um, no. I'm here with Deci."

Another second passed and then, "Yeah...Oh...Okay, I'm going. See ya'."

He closed his phone and then looked at Deci, "Well, I gotta go, Billie wanted me to look... um... to look for something at the store." He got up to leave and he noticed something under the table cloth, he shook his head, waved at Deci and left.

Kev crawled out from under the table.

Deci glared at him and said, "You...fucking perv."

Kev grinned, "Oh, you know you enjoyed it. Anyways, I couldn't go all the way up your pants leg, now could I?"

Deci laughed and laid her head on the table, "I missed you so much! And you went all the way up the outside of my pants leg."

He got up and wrapped his arms around her and whispered in her ear, "Let's go have sex in that weirdo's park."

"We only did that once and by damn I'm not doin' that again."

He put a five on the table and they left.

They went to 'that weirdo's park', the owner was just some guy that refused to open the park after he bought it and he put up this ten foot privacy fence, and the fact that he never used it and let all the grass grow up into the merry-go-round and let a couple of the swings break, made them not like him.

Deci climbed the fence easily and Kev looked at her and pouted.

Deci called down, "Climb it yourself, I don't feel like helping."

He looked down and when he looked back up he had a demented grin on his face and his eyes, the white part, the iris and the pupil, were all orange and kind of flickering like flame. He jumped up and caught the top of the fence and swung himself over.

They went over to the jungle gym and sat at the top.

Kev looked at her, "Can we play Fire Demon and Innocent Maiden?"

Deci shook her head.

"Water Demon and Innocent Farm Boy?"

Deci shook her head again.

"Then what can we play?"

Deci shook her head again and pointed up. Kev looked up and saw letters that said, "Tongue Hockey!"

He looked at her and smiled, "Fine, but I still want sex."

Deci tackled him and they started making out.


Billie was telling Adie how the two had disappeared and that Mike found Deci in a coffee shop.

Adie looked at Billie and said, "Have you seen their eyes turn colors by any chance?"

"No, why?"

"Well, there are these two sprites: One is the son of the King of the Fire Sprites, the son is supposedly half human, but the King doesn't admit to it so everyone thinks that he's just a myth. The other one is the daughter of the Queen of the Water Sprites, but the Queen doesn't admit to that either. Supposedly they're both half human."

Billie looked at Adie confused, "But I thought you were the Queen of the Fairies?"

Adie smiled, "I am, but they're sprites, they're different."

"Oh. Well, I haven't seen their eyes turn colors."

"Yeah, it probably is just a myth anyway."


Tré had told Dare and was just sitting in the basement with him.

Dare looked at his drum kit, "Should we go look for them?"

Tré shrugged, "Do you think they're in any kind of danger?"

Dare shifted in his seat uncomfortably, "Um, no."

Tré looked at him, "Are you worried?"

Dare looked down, "No." Then he thought, 'Because I know what they are and you don't.'

Tré sat up and turned on the T.V. the first scene of the show was of a naked woman. Tré looked at Dare.

Dare shrugged and said, "What?"

"This is porn isn't it?"

Dare nodded, "So?"


Mike was walking down the street when he heard a funny noise and a giggled, 'Oh, Kev.'
He grabbed his phone and dialed Billie.

When Billie picked up Mike said, "Um, I don't know how to say this but I heard a... a noise and someone said, oh, Kev."

Billie replied, "Well, who said it?"

"I don't know, they're behind a privacy fence."

"I'll be right there."

Mike hung up his phone and a few seconds later Billie appeared beside him.

Billie looked at the fence and then said, "Give me a leg up."

Mike lifted Billie up by the knees; his face was pressed against Billie's ass, "Hurry up!"

Billie looked down at Mike, "Is this how you feel everyday? So tall? And I am hurrying." He looked over the fence. Then hissed to Mike, "Put me down!"

Mike put him down, "Who was it?"

Billie shrugged, "I'm not sure, but there's a playground in there and the grass is extremely tall we can go in there without being seen."

Billie disappeared. Mike sighed and followed him.

Billie looked around, "I think I've been in here before."

"Shhh! I think I heard them."


Deci was laying beside Kev, "Remember that one time we were laying here and this dude saw us!"

"Yeah, he scared the shit outta me. You too, if I remember right."

Deci kissed him on the cheek, "Oh, he did."

Then Billie peeked his head over the edge of the jungle gym, "You two!"

Deci and Kev screamed and fell the ten feet straight to the ground.

Billie jumped down beside them, "Mike! Their necks aren't supposed to bend like that!" He looked up at Mike with fear in his eyes.

Mike looked down at them with a horrified expression, "Billie! killed them!"