

Richard Peterson was a regular man who thought it was a regular day on September 11, 2007. Richard did think it was going to be a regular day like every other day. 7:30 coffee and a scone for breakfast. The regular day arriving at about 8:30 on floor 93 on Tower Two.

Walking out of his Lexus parked in the garage across from the twin towers. It was a bout ten minutes till he got to his office. “Right on time” he says. As he says good morning to his Secretary Jan, he walks into his office planned for a boatload of work today. Richard is the CEO of a very big company named Mi Casa You Casa which was a Spanish architechur co.

As he sees his other employees walking in, asking them why they are late. It is about 8:45, Richard is now eating his scone. Richard eats his scone in about five minutes. It is now 8:50 and Richard opens up his E-mail getting loads and loads of messages from clients who want his company’s architechure. It is now 9:00 and everybody in the office hears a loud rumbling noise. He orders Jan to look out the window. “ A plane hit north tower. Everybody devastated, knowing that friends and family are there in that tower.
Some start to cry and ball.

Finally Richard speaks up and says we need to leave as an extra safety caution.
So Richard gathers everybody telling them to take the stairwell. Everybody doesn’t want to listen so he tells them he’ll fire them if they don’t. All of them run and scream and move their behinds down the stairs. Richard stays behind and tells every floor to get out. Richard seams to be okay till about the 85 floor where he sits down and starts to cry. He tells everyone that it is his wife’s birthday was today and he might not see her.

All of a sudden they here a big bam. Another plane has crashed into the second tower. Debris flies from the ceilings. Richard is hit with a giant piece of steel. Breaking both of his legs, he knows he can’t go on. People to selfish to help him he crawls on. Scared he checks for his cell phone. He left it on his desk. Richard hits the 41 floor in 30 minutes. He can hear a rumble from above. He knows what‘s happening the tower is falling. Out the window he can see his friends and co-workers. His is set with relief. He prays God saying Hails Maries and Our Fathers. The rumbling get louder he looks up to heaven and says “Sorry for my sins” And it is over Richard is gone.

All of his co-workers remember Richard today. He is honored at Ground 0 for saving floors 93 thru 85…