Dancer Girl

Uh Wow

I woke up in the recovery room. The stupid needle was still in my arm, and I figured I wasn't going to be unconscious anymore, so I have no need for a sharp metal object to remain in my veins, so I tried to take it out. My mom was there to stop me.

"Ya can't take that out, hun," She smiled at me. I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep.

"Is that any way to treat your mother?" I heard a chuckle. That was a voice I knew I'd never forget, even though I'd thought he wouldn't be in my life anymore. I rolled over to make sure my ears weren't fooling me.

"James?" I croaked.

He nodded, still smiling. The angry nurse shoved him out of the way. She checked my temperature and my heart rate, even though I could have told her it was racing right now.

"Your heartbeat is too fast." She told me, kinda like she was reading my mind.

"Duh," I said bluntly. She shot me a dirty look. "Yeah, that's it. You're gonna shoot looks at the 'little girl' who just got out of surgery."

She walked away. James looked confused. "When did you get do mean?" he asked.

"When she stabbed me with the stupid IV," I grimaced. He laughed at me. "What? He stabbed me with a freaking needle! I hate needles," I grumbled.

He kept on laughing at me. "Uh... wow." He said.

I smiled at him. Another nurse came by, she helped me out of the bed. My foot had a new cast on it, and I was careful not to step on it as she moved me to a wheelchair. "You have to stay here for a little while, but when a doctor comes and gives you the all clear, you can go."

I nodded and thanked her. The boy I never thought I'd see again followed me to my hospital room.