Dancer Girl

New Boy

"Hey," The boy said once we got out of the auditorium, "That was.... uh..." He glanced at me with his gorgeous blue eyes.

"Funny," I finished for him, "and you know it."

He laughed. This boy, unlike the boy who was now 2 hours late for picking me up, was pale. His dark hair was cut close to his head, and he wore military style clothes. He looked like someone in the army would. I made small talk with him.

"So, I haven't seen you around here,"

"Yeah. I know,"

I raised my eyebrows. "What? You're not even going to state the obvious and tell me you just moved here?"

The boy sighed, "No."

I shrugged. He'd tell me if he thought I needed to know. "Okay. Do I at least get a name?"

"I'm Justin."

"I'm Gen."

"Do I get to hear how you managed to break yourself?" He asked.

"Hey! How do you know I broke myself? Maybe someone else got really mad of my beautifullness and decided to break my leg for me." I smirked.

"Um, because even though I'm new, I know that no one here is that freaking psycho." He raised one eyebrow, "Well, apparently no one but you."

I gasped, then tried to dramatically whirl around and limp away. Yeah, I fell on my face.

Justin laughed, but he did come make sure I was alright. "And another thing, not many people can mange to fall when they're just standing there, even if they are on crutches."

"How about I make you a deal, kid?" He raised his eyebrow again, "I'll tell you my personal history when you tell me yours."
♠ ♠ ♠
3 more, I think. Yeah. Oh, and in case these little numbers confuse people, it's not 3 more until the end of the story, just 3 more until my little debt of promised chapters is paid. (: