Dancer Girl

Here I Am

I walked out of the breezeway and went to find baggage claim. I stood there waiting for the big conveyor belty thingie, to bring around my suitcase, and thought about the pretty landscape underneath me the entire flight.

Mr. Grenville walked in after a little bit. His suitcase was right in front of us and he grabbed it. He waited with me for mine.

" was your flight?" He asked awkwardly.

"It was pretty." I said.


My polka dotted luggage came then, and I grabbed it and we left. There was a black car waiting out front for us. I climbed in the back and Mr. Grenville sat in the passenger seat.

We there must have been a million gay babies born that day, because that whole 2 hour car ride was awkward.

We finally got there, and Mr. Grenville had the driver take my suitcase to the dorm I'd be staying in for the week while he took me to the Dean's office. They didn't actually talk to me, they just gave me a tour person.

"I'm afraid this is where we go out separate ways. Goodbye, Gen." Mr. Grenville said.

"Goodbye, Mr. Grenville."

Then my guide introduced himself. "I'm James. I'm currently a sophomore here. I'll be showing you around." He grinned.

I smiled back at him. "Hi. I'm Gen."

We started walking. "So you're the amazing dance student from Michigan?" I nodded. "That's awesome. I'm in the dance program too."

"Cool. What kind of dancing do you do?" I asked.

"I love any kind of dance, but I like the lifting I get to do in ballet the most." He grinned. "Not very manly is it?"

I laughed. "I don't know, I know a lot of boy dancers. They were pretty awesome."

"Yeah, I guess." We found our way to the first huge building on campus, and the tour began.
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I'm horrible at writing long chapters, so I guess this story is gonna have short chapters. Sorry people