Dancer Girl


I warmed up, then Ms. Wingert walked into the the room. "Everybody, gather round." She sat in the chair by the mirrors. "We have a new soloist for our pointe piece. Please welcome Gen."

There were few actual claps, but James applauded for real.

Then, a snobby looking girl strutted in like she owned the place. SHe took her place nest to the hoes who kept shooting me dirty looks.

"WHat did I miss?" SHe said in an unpleasant, nasally voice.

"Gen is our new soloist." Ms. Wingert gestured toward me, a warm smile still on her face.

"WHAT!!!!" She screeched. I jumped at the sudden noise. "That was my part!" She looked angry.

"Yes, Alexandria, was. I found some one who is, not only more talented than you, but will show up to rehearsal's on time. I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait until the next recital."

"There won't be a next recital for me." Yep, she was definitely angry. "I'm sick of being under appreciated. I won't be back, and you'll regret giving her my part." She flipped her hair, and twitched her little booty out of that room.

There was a long silence, in which most of Alexandria's friends followed her, so we were only down two. Haha. How pathetic. Ms. Wingert did finally break the extremely awkward silence. "Alright guys. Junk off, we're doing a run through." SHe started stripping to her leotard and tights. She even put on a pair of pointe shoes. Turning to me she said, "I'm gonna show you your part. Try your best to get it quick. I'm old and don'nt know how long I'll be able to do this for." She joked.

"Okay," I giggled.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, again, I promised.