Dancer Girl


The rest of the week passed uneventfully. Showed up at class. Learned the solo, which by the way, I also partnered with James in that piece. Fell into bed exhausted. Woke up and went to an academic class. I was tired by the time our performance came.

"Gen, wake up." Someone told me. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep.

"No," I grumbled. I wasn't about to give it up easily either. The other person laughed.

"Come on," They said, and dragged me out of the chair I had dozed off in. WhenI finally opened my eyes, lo and behold, James was in the ladies dressing room to wkae me up for warm-up.

"Yeah, uhhh....what the hell are you doing in the LADIES dressing room?"

"Waking you up for class." He replied nonchalantly.

"Maybe you're not quite ungderstanding me," I said slowly. "GIRLS room."

"Relax. You were the only one in here, and I knew you weren't changing," He defended himself. "I heard you snoring from the stage."

I stomped off, pretending to be offended. He knew better, so he just laughed and let me go.

When we finished the long walk to the stage, I picked a spot on the portable barre next to where James had been standing. Even though I'd been here a week, James had really been the only person I still talked to.

"Wait, why didn't they just send a girl for me?" I asked when he made his way to the barre.

"They didn't want to. Ms. WIngert asked if anyone wanted to go find you, and they just stood there awkwardly until she decided to ask someone. They said no, so I'm just like, 'For Christ's sake. I'll go get her,'"

"Oh." I didn't know what else to say. I didn't really care that these girls like me, but it was still kind of awkward to realize that it wasn't because they didn't know me, it was because they genuinely did not like me. Oh well, I guess. You can't have everything.

Ms. Wingert cleared her throat, (and on the inside I wanted to start singing Dear Maria by All Time Low) and started the warm-up.

Class finished and we did a run through of the program before they started to let people take their seats. It was flawless, and we all went to our dressing rooms to get ready.
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So after I told you guys I would update if one of the stories I read got updated. Yeah, everyday since I said that, I've had a story get updated. Which kind of depresses me, because I don't write everyday, so everything I've been writing has just been coming out of my head. If it sucks, I'm sorry. But please tell me what I could do better.

By the way, that link up there is the story that was updated. It's a Draco Malfoy love story. I've decided that I'll post a link to whatever story was updated so that I could update.