Status: Complete.


O N E / O N E

He sat on the rug in the middle of his near empty bedroom muttering unintelligible words to himself. I wanted to leave, but I couldn't actually bring myself to do it. I stood in the doorway trying to figure out what he was actually trying to say, but the words were all coming out like gibberish. He kept repeating what sounded like the same sentence over and over until he saw me standing there.

"Oh Hi. I didn't see you standing there." His voice was very monotone, but his broad smile contradicted the tone of voice. His eyes, of course were blank and bloodshot. Over the past few months things had taken a turn for the worst. He never slept, and never spoke with any type of emotion. He'd become some sort of a robot.

"Hi," I replied. "I wasn't planning on staying around for very long. I only wanted to say hello."

His smile fell, and his eyes stayed the same. "Oh, I wanted you to come sit with me for a minute. Could you do that? Just for a minute?"

I only knew this was a question because of the wording and the fact that I had known him all my life.

"Okay. But only for a few minutes."

I crossed the room and sat down on the rug next to him. Before this whole mess things had been different. He was happy in the most genuine sense of the word. His smile was big and his eyes were the brightest things you had ever seen. Things were different now. Nothing can last forever.

"The window is open, it's cold outside."

"Do you want me to close it for you?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No. I'll do it later. I want us to sit and enjoy each other while we still have the chance. I miss my sister."

I smiled. "I miss you too." I missed the way he used to be. I wanted my brother back.

My phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the caller id. "Oh, Brian is here. You remember Brian right?" I asked him.

He nodded. "That Boy," He smiled as he said this which reminded me of the way he use to be. I wanted to cry.

I nodded. "Yeah... that boy." I bent over as I stood up and kissed the top of his head. "I love you big brother. I'll be home later."

He nodded and muttered a goodbye as I left the room. On my way out I told my mother he was okay, and that I'd be home in a few hours. As soon as I was out the door I raced to my boyfriends car and kissed him hello.

"How is he?" He asked.

I nodded. "Same as yesterday... a little better."

Once the words were out my mouth a loud thump sounded from the concrete of the near empty driveway. Somehow, I already knew who it was that had fallen.

"I thought you said he was okay!" Brian shouted from behind me.

I walked towards the corpse and knelt down so I could clearly see my brother's face. The smile was still there as the blood seeped from the open wound to his head.

I looked up and saw the open window.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is very short.