Status: Thanks To Everyone Whp Read This And I Will Put The Sequel Up Soon, Promise!!!

Returning to You

Chapter 3

6 months into Senior Year
I hadn’t been the same since Jasper died, I went around school not talking to anyone, I even ignored Haner and his gang, not caring what they said and Brian often got angry with me for it telling me I need to get over it but I couldn’t. Jasper was my best friend and I wore his dog tags around my neck and the leather bracelet I got him for Christmas one year around my wrist.
I never went as far in my grief as harming myself, though I guess you could say my parents did. Mom started drinking because her ‘golden boy’ was dead and you could often find her sprawled out on the sofa or sometimes I had to go out at three in the morning to drag her home from a bar which had called me saying Mom was too intoxicated to get home herself. I couldn’t drive so I always had to call a cab or walk and drag her home, the whole time home was usually spent with her whining about me not being as good as Jasper or her wailing about how she missed him. Dad was off cheating on Mom because he couldn’t take her alcoholism anymore or the abuse she gave us though I know he sometimes takes cocaine as I’ve seen it around his nose and I recognise the symptoms, he probably took it trying to either keep up with the latest whore or so he could drown out Mom.
I know Brain knew about my home situation as he often saw me dragging my Mom into the house or he saw my Dad bring a woman home. I just let things go to hell around me though because to be honest I didn’t know what to do with them or myself. I knew I had to just carry on with life but being home I couldn’t do anything, I planned to finish school then either travel or go to college, either was good.
It was nearing March and my birthday was coming up in a few days. I knew I wouldn’t be having a party or even getting a present off of my parents and it saddened me that they could ignore me so as you would think that after losing one child they would look after me more in the hopes of not losing me but it seemed like they had only cared for my older brother which while I resented it I didn’t blame him, no I lay the blame firmly at my parents doors.
I walked into school like usual, my focus on the ground and not paying attention to anyone around me. I got to my locker and opened it getting out my English book and when I closed it I turned around only to be met with Brain and his gang. I sighed and closed my eyes hoping when I opened them he would be gone but opening them I saw them still there so I just looked at them collectively without saying a word and Brian asked
“cat still got your tongue?” I didn’t say a word and Brian narrowed his eyes at me, stepping forwards he said “come on Morten, just one word for me and I’ll leave you alone” I still didn’t say anything and he glared at me. He grabbed my shoulders and shook me “Morten say something!” he near enough shouted and the one called Matt stepped forwards and pulled Brain away
“come on man leave her alone” Brain shrugged him off and said loudly
“why the hell should I! She needs to learn she’s not the only one with problems!” Matt tried to say something but Brian cut him off “she thinks she’s the only one with an alcoholic Mom and a cheating Dad, she’s not and she needs to get over herself, she isn’t special!” tears had come to my eyes with him announcing to the whole of the people in the corridor what was going on with my family, I couldn’t believe he had just done that and by the look on his friends faces they couldn’t either. I stepped forwards and looked into Brian’s smug eyes before I hissed
“you want a word, how about fuck off you low life tosser who will accomplish nothing in life but being the ass he already is, no doubt my parents are what they are but they have a reason, you are like you are because you are scum and I hope you choke to death because believe me if you don’t I’ll aid you!” Brian’s eyes widened in shock at what I had just told him and I looked at him disgusted before I shoved him away and walked through his group of friends and into English class where I just sat and waited for class to begin, dreading it now that everyone would know my business.
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