Status: Complete


Ch. 4

After Costi left, which ended up not being until after dark, I lay down on my bed and smiled like a fool. He was better in person than I could have imagined.

After I was done glowing, I grabbed my laptop and signed into my account, grinning yet again when I saw that I had a new message from Cord.

‘Hey there, Ava. I hope your day was good. Mine was fantastic’

I smiled. ‘I assure you, mine was much, much better.’ My hands hovered over the keys. Goodness knew I wanted to tell him about meeting Costi, but I wanted to keep that to myself for just a little while. ‘I started a food fight.’

He must have been online, because I got an immediate response. ‘You didn’t! Look, I’ve read your writing, and I just didn’t think you had it in you!’

I shuddered, but glowed a little. He’d read my work. ‘What did you think? About my writing? And I might have accidentally started it. I didn’t even get punished. Well, I did, but that punishment was a joke’

‘You’re a fantastic writer. Savvy and deep. And that’s rich, accidentally starting a food fight. It sounds much more like you.’ He made it sound like he knew me. Maybe he did. I put so much of myself into those stories…

‘And who am I?’ My heart beat a little faster. I didn’t normally ask this kind of question.

‘You’re funny, sweet, kind. You hate confrontation and you’re ridiculously romantic. And you’re a stickler for the rules.’ My stomach fluttered.

‘I wish I could argue, but I can’t.’

‘You’ll learn that I’m rarely wrong.’

‘That’s such a typical guy attitude.’ And that made me think about Costi again. I’d get to see him again tomorrow, in all of my classes. While I waited for the next message from Cord, I rushed around the room, putting together my cutest outfit. I didn’t normally dress up, because it was just too much effort, but I knew that I looked damn good when I had a mind to. And I was out to impress.