Status: Complete


Ch. 7

The next morning, I managed not to make too big a fool of myself when Costi picked me up again, even though I’d stayed up half the night talking to Cord again.

“Good morning, sunshine,” he chuckled while I staggered down the hallway. I shot him a look. At least I was walking on my own this morning.

Besides, when I reached my locker, Coll had coffee for me again. I took it eagerly, not worrying until after I’d downed it all about whether Costi was right. Was he in love with me? That could ruin everything. I hugged him this morning, but less enthusiastically. I didn’t kiss him at all. I was afraid to give him the wrong idea. I wanted to hate Costi for giving me these doubts.

But even I couldn’t deny that there was mild disappointment showing on Coll’s face. I was either paranoid, or Costi was on to something.

Jase came down the hallway, grinning fanatically. I could see it now, the stress hiding behind is ‘everything is stellar’ act. I needed to talk with him, and I thought that using Costi was exactly the way to do it.

I had Costi ask our math teacher, Miss Black, to let the two of us out of class so that I could finish showing him around the school, and so that I could take him to the music teacher, because he wanted to join band.

That was a complete lie, but because he was new and because I was her best student, she wrote us passes. I latched onto Jase and dragged him with us on the way out.

“Thanks, Costi,” I said, kissing his cheek and pulling Jase away, out to the courtyard. No one really went there, so it was guaranteed to be private. I realized that Costi had followed us when I shoved Jase down on the bench out there.

“Costi, this is private.”

“Hey. I helped you get him here. I think you owe me. I want to stay.” I saw something behind his eyes that told me not to argue.

“Fine. But don’t butt in.” I focused on Jase then. He looked comically confused, but I stifled a giggle and got down to business. “I know what happened with Alexia.” Jase instantly paled and gulped.

“What?” he asked stupidly.

“You idiot! She’s miserable,” I yelled, shoving at him.

“I know,” he said dejectedly.

“Then why are you making her so unhappy?” I demanded. “I know how you feel about her. Why are you doing this?”

“She regrets it, regrets sleeping with me. I shouldn’t have pushed her.” Jase didn’t seem to be aware that I was there anymore.

I couldn’t help it, I laughed. “Are you kidding?” And he shot up, looking angry. He would have stormed off, but I grabbed his hand and said in my gentlest voice, “that’s what she thinks happened with you. You’re both fools.”


I heard the hope in his voice and laughed again, gleefully this time. “It’s all been a big misunderstanding. She thinks you have regrets, you think she has regrets, and you’re both miserable.”

He laughed a little, too, but there was still pain in his eyes. “Are you sure? She really… really doesn’t regret it?” I gave him a hug and kissed both of his cheeks. He was so sweet.

“You’re a fool,” I said again, fondly. “Patch things up with her, will you?” He hugged back and we stood for a minute or so before Costi coughed.

We both jumped. I think we’d both forgotten he was there. Jase blushed furiously.

“Go on, Jase, we’re going to stay a little longer. Just tell Miss Black you came along to help sweet talk the band teacher and that we’re still touring,” Costi put in. Jase obeyed without a second’s hesitation. I thought that was because he was embarrassed to have had that overheard.

I turned on him, annoyed. “Now do you see why I didn’t want you hovering?”

He gave me a small smile that shot straight to my stomach. “Yes, I do. But I’m still glad I stayed. Otherwise, I would have been worried the whole time about whether you were wanting to be with him for… less selfless reasons. Now, I know not to worry about him.”

I was confused. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“Let’s just say that I thought that maybe you and he had the kind of relationship he seems to have with Alexia. Goodness knows he gets ridiculously cheerful whenever he approaches you.”

“That’s only because he’s been trying to seem okay. He does that with all of his friends. You’ve just noticed around me because you’re always with me. Why do you care?”

Costi shrugged, but his expression said that he wasn’t as indifferent as he’d have me believe. “I suppose you could say that I feel a little… territorial when it comes to you. I don’t like the thought of you off with some other guy.”

Swoon. “Oh,” I choked out. He laughed a little and took my hand.

“Now, let’s enjoy the rest of the period. I don’t feel like going to class.” So we stayed and chatted and enjoyed each other’s company in the sunshine.