Sequel: Watching Over You
Status: Finished. Sequel Coming Soon.

Not an Angel Yet


I was sitting on the couch inside the house, my stomach burning with nervousness.
Alice had called.
She told Edward that Greg was on his way.
He also had be-friended some very powerful vampires on the way.
They had powerd that had never been seen before.

"They're here." Edward whispered, and headed for the door, everyone following except Rose and I.

I heard yelling, and screaming. Then i heard Bella yell out in pain, and that was it. I stood up quickly, and headed towards the door. "Haydee.. dont!" Rose yelled, tears streaming down her face. I smiled at her and went outside, hearing Greg laugh at me.

"And she finally comes out of hiding." He said with a smirk. "Don't touch my family or you'll regret it." I said through my teeth. "Oh really? Phoenix, do your stuff." He said to one of the nearby vampires with a smile.

I watched as she raised her hands in the air and shot fire from them, right at Jasper.
"NO!" I screamed and threw myself infront of him, my wings extending, sheilding the fire away with my own body. Edward screamed as i embraced the fire, willing myself to not think of the pain. I thought of all of them, my family, and did something i had only been practicing for a while. I made a sheild using all the powers i possessed and spread it around my family, and the house. Anything that would touch the sheild would only hurt me, and also hurt the person who tried to penetrate it, twice as hard.

This gave my family time to attack, slicing and pulling apart body parts, throwing them in fire. I just stood there, allowing myself to feel all of the pain, not caring that it hurt, only caring that my family was safe.

By the time they were all dead, i was on the verge of dying. I collapsed and my breathing became shallow. Jasper picked me up and held me in his arms, sobbing loudly. "I love you." He whispered.

Thats all i remember before everything went black.
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hmm.. Comment if you want me to update