Status: Work In Progress

The Diary Of An Innocent

Chapter 2: The Man

Dear Diary,

I'm so glad I brought you with me. I know I said I'd be writing in you later tonight, but I just got so scared. It's barely after noon, but there's barely any light here.

Big sister wasn't very nice this morning, said I needed to go eat worms or something like that. I said to her, "Ew, why would I do that?" She never answered. Just ignored me and went to another room of our kinda small house.

Then Tommy came by and asked Mommy if I could go out and play. She even said yes!

Since you're so new, I should tell you that we live in such a small town that there aren't that many of us kids. So Tommy, Jane, Mike, Matty and I have known each other almost our whole lives. Tommy's the oldest of us all at ten. And I've always thought he was super cute, but he can have his meanie moments.

Which is how I got lost. Jane wasn't with the boys when I got there, which Tommy had said she was, probably should have been a warning sign. They put a blindfold on me and lead me somewhere. I could almost tell where we were going through the soles of my shoes. After we stopped walking, Tommy said to count to fifty then take the blindfold off.

When I reached the number in question I took the piece of cloth off my eyes and looked around in an area of darkwooded trees. But not just dark, thick. It makes everything darker. I know I need to make sure someone knows what happened to me, even if they never find me, but my book.

I'm sorry for anything I ever did to make Mommy or Daddy angry. I don't know what I did to Big Sister, but I'm sorry for that too. I love them and wish I was at home right now, this spot is so scary.

January 4th, 1927. Mary Bartolome
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Oh goodness, what's gonna happen to poor Mary~?