Undefined Lines

[A.N: Rated R, for language and just in case]

*First person POV [Makayla]

*A story about my main character, Makayla and her friends, Landin and Trisha. And the annoying [hot] new kid, Xaldin.

-Maykayla has brown hair. She's scene/emo. I don't have a last name for her so...ideas? Doesn't like the new kid although Trisha and Landin seem to like him. She's stratght. Main character.

-Trisha has no definite hair color...at least I don't think so. I imagine her with brown hair. She's a preppy scene person if that's possible. She is Makayla's best friend. Straight. No last name yet.

-Landin has brown hair. Possibly colors. Possible snake-bites too. He's scene/emo. Ok more emo than anything. He is Makayla's best guy friend. Bi-sexual, but prefers guys. Thinks Xaldin is hot. No last name yet.

-Xaldin [pronounced Zaldin] is the irritating hot new kid. Scene. VERY HOT [did I mention that? lol]. Hits on Makayla, but she doesn't like him back.
  1. A Spiral Notebook As a Diary? Nice Going.
    "Brett is SO hot. I want to have all his babies. I shall name them Chris and Gregory."
  2. “I would obviously put it down my boxers.”
    "At my door, he pulls something out of his pocket. 'That’s not a gun, is it? You’re not going to shoot me, are you?'"
  3. “Don’t make me get my 9 millimeter out...”
    “I said, you’re in my spot, punk.”
  4. “Daaaang, Xaldin has a nice ass."
    “It’s on, pretty boy. Your make up isn’t going to save you now. From here on out, you’re going down.”
    'Please tell me you don’t think he’s hot.' Landin laughed, 'Yes, I think he’s hot.'
  6. Whoa. No one needs to see that.
    "...he waved and slipped his boxers off the rest of the way."
  7. "This is a little too much Hallmark-y."
    "I was looking at the stars and BAM! It just was...there"
  8. “We should have a party.”
    So, THAT'S how everything got started...
  9. guysloveguyliner: well you’re a meanie-head so hah
    tooemoforyourmom: well why doesn’t uncle Xaldin come over and you can tell me ALL about it. How bout that?
  10. But remember that Uncle Xaldin is right next door.
    ...watching you.