Status: Complete


Crash Landing In Camelot

"C'mon guys! This isn't fair!" I laughed as my friends spun me round in a circle laughing their heads off.

"If you want to sleep tonight, you have to find your sleeping bag!" Angela laughed.

I felt their warm hands leave my shoulders, the spinning stopped and I stumbled forward. I felt around me placing my hand on a tree.

"Your not allowed to take the blind fold off either" Sayrah yelled after me.

"You won't know if I do!" I grinned and tripped over a stick.

"Don't be a spoil sport!" Cassie chipped in.

"If I fall and seriously injure myself it's all your fault!" I sang.

I couldn't hear what they said next, I was starting to walk to far away. They wouldn't have made this easy, or maybe it was and the blindfold was a distraction. I didn't know what to do, but I guess I'd walk about with the blindfold on for a little while longer. As I tripped, stumbled and fell about the woods we had decided to camp in tonight, I felt a breeze.

"Guys? Guys c'mon this isn't funny anymore...can I take the blindfold off?" I asked annoyed.

There was no word back just another gust of wind. So I decided to play it there way, either way I wanted to get my sleeping bag back. After about another ten minutes I st oped following their sly gusts of wind I took the blindfold off. I was in the woods, deep in the woods. It was very dark and I suddenly felt the cold so much more than I had before.

"Guys?" I asked unsure, not seeing anyone about.

I was surrounded by trees with a thick fog starting to form. I started to feel scared.

"Guys please! This isn't funny, you know how freaked out I get!" I begged.

No one answered me, but the fog suddenly grew and obscured my vision profoundly. There was a small gust of wind. I turned in the winds direction.

"Guys?" I asked again.

There was a thunderous roar from the wind and then the most powerful gust I had ever felt in my life blew from out of nowhere and knocked me backwards! I screamed from shock that the wind had successfully lifted me up in the air and sent me flying! As I felt myself descending towards the ground there was a marvelous bright white light from behind me, but I couldn't turn, I couldn't move...I was frozen!

With a small 'poof' the white light I was surrounded in disappeared and I was surrounded by the familiar brown of a forest. The thing was, it was daytime...I landed on the hard ground with a 'thud' and a groan.

"Where am I?!" I asked allowed.

Looking around the lush green forest suddenly made me feel at peace. I couldn't help but smile as I started to walk in an Eastern direction, looking up at the treetops spinning slowly to take in every detail of the beauty around me.


"Raawwwwwrttssssssss" I heard a strange and very loud roar.

I froze on the spot, my eyes wide and my heart beating wildly. I slowly turned and my jaw dropped and arms went limp.

"You've got to be kidding me?!" I murmured aloud.

In front of me actually stood a beast about 14foot tall with the head of an eagle and the body of a lion. It roared again and I initially screamed and turned tail and ran! The beast roared again and followed suit. I could feel and hear the creature bound after me. I spotted something so familiar just a head of camping bag! I ran towards it and grabbed it by the arm band and picked up speed. I slipped on some leaves as I rounded a tree and slide down a small mud bank. The roots of the tree made a small cave like den I could hide in. I held my breath as I listened for the creature. I heard it above me, then I heard it's roar of disappointment and then the flap of it's giant wings as it soared up into the air and left me on the ground. Once I was sure it was gone I left the cover of the tree's roots and looked up into the sky. It wasn't anywhere to be seen. I strapped my bag to my back and made my way North...well I think it was North. Only a few minutes had started on my new journey did I hear the furious beating of wings. With only a glance behind me, I ran screaming for my life! The creature chasing behind me. Terror had seized my brain and chest, the only thing I could think of to do was to run and scream for help!

"HELP!" I screamed repeatedly.

I eventually slipped after only five minutes of running, I tried to stand but I had tripped on a fallen tree branch and twisted my ankle. I was doomed.

"Bregdan Alnweare Gifelnueck" I heard these words and then suddenly a branch appeared in the beasts side and it screeched so loud I covered my ears!

It reared up on it's hind legs and shook from side to side trying to shake free of the branch piercing it's was hopeless for the poor beast. I saw someone run towards me as the beast fell on it's side. The man knelt beside me and looked me in the eyes.

"Are you OK?" He asked concerned.

I stared wide eyed at the fallen beast that was starting to smoke and then back to the blue eyes boy that had saved me. I opened my moth to reply when I felt my chest tighten and red and yellow dots blurred my vision and everything went black. I woke to the smell of something sweet being cooked. I opened my eyes and sat up. I took in my surroundings. My head started to ache.

"Och...where am I?" I asked aloud.

"Your in Camelot" The boy said.

I looked up at him and saw he was carrying a small bag with something in it. I shook my head and looked at the forest, it was still day. I looked down and saw I was covered with my hoodie and my back pack as a pillow.

"How long was I out for?" I asked.

"Not long, only fifteen minutes." He said.

"Oh...I'm Sarah...thanks for saving me" I smiled.

"Merlin...and it was nothing" He smiled.

"No really thanks...I would have been a goner!" I smiled back.

Merlin chuckled and sat down next to the small fire that was going. There was a small pot stand holding a small pot above the fire, that's where the smell was coming form.

"Where are you from?" Merlin asked eying me curiously yet kindly.

"I'm from Glasgow, you?" I asked.

"Camelot...well I was born in Ealdor" He nodded.

"Oh..I've never heard of Camelot or Ealdor before" I said confused.

"I've never heard of Glasgow before" He agreed.

I stared at the fire.

"You have a funny must be form over seas or form another country" He wagered.

"I'm from Scotland" I nodded.

"This is England..." He said.

"What?! How on Earth did I get here?!" I exclaimed.

"I'm not sure..." He said thoughtfully.

"The last thing I remember is looking for my sleeping bag in the woods in Kilsythe...there was a flash of light..." I said my memory going hazy.

"You shouldn't really think about it now. Wait I'll take you to Gaius he's the court physician of Camelot...he'll know how to help you" Merlin said.

"Really? Oh thank god!" I smiled.

"Seriously..I'm a little freaked out by all this..." I said.

"Me too...what kind of clothes is that your wearing?" Merlin asked befuddled.

"Just jeans and a t-shirt...and my hoodie" I shrugged.

I then looked at his clothes, they were so plain and old, like back in the Medieval times. One and one started to form in my brain.

"Oh no...this is just impossible!" I stood up.

"What?" He asked jumping back at my sudden movement.

"I think I've traveled through time..but that is merely impossible! I'm not a scientist! I..well..there were no machines in the woods... I don't like this..." I said.

Merlin stayed quiet through out my ramblings. I felt bad.

"I'm sorry...I don't mean anything against you I've been awfully kind to me...but I just don't know how I got here...I'm not entirely sure where exactly I am...and I don't know how to get home!" I said and sat down again, head in hands.

Merlin shuffled over to me and placed a comforting arm around me.

"Hey it'll be alright...Gaius will know what to do..c'mon. Drink this" He said and handed me a small cup.

"What is it?" I asked looking at the slightly pink liquid.

"It's a pain relief, your head must be killing you." He said.

"that's kind of you Merlin but I just deal with my headaches...I hate medicine" I said.


"No! you weren't to know...I'll drink it" I smiled and downed it in one.

It was revolting. I smiled as best I could and Merlin laughed.

"Gauis taught me some potions to help people with...none of them are very tasteful" He smiled.

"I'll live" I grimanced.

"C'mon we better get back to the palace" Merlin stood up.

"Alright" I nodded and helped him pack.

Merlin lead me through the forest, it didn't take as long as I thought to come to one of the outer villages of Camelot. I gazed upon the small, simple place with pure amazement. Merlin looked at me and smiled.

"It's not that majestic" He said.

"It doesn't have to be. But wow! seriously...I've only ever saw places like this on TV!" I exclaimed.

"TV?" Merlin asked.

"It's's a special box with movie pictures called program's...we watch programs, they tell us stuff weather they're real or not" I explained hoping it made sense to him.

"And where is it your from again?" He asked.

"Glasgow...erm..I live in the year 2010" I said.

"What?! You must be joking!" He cried.

"No, no I'm not joking, I'm very serious" I said.

"When I come from is so much different to this time. There is no huts and no one lives in the castles." I said.

"What?" He was so confused.

I opened my mouth to explain but couldn't be bothered. I waved it off as we stared at the village.

"Right, c'mon we better go this way" He said.

"Um Merlin?...I think everyone will notice my clothes..." I said.

Merlin looked at me and realization struck him.

"Yeah..uhm...wait here!" He said and left me in the woods.

"Merlin! What if..." But it was too late, Merlin had gone to wherever it was he went.