Status: Complete



"Merlin!" I choked out loudly and jolted up right.

I felt light plastic hit my arm and all of a sudden I couldn't breath. I started to choke and panic and all these beeping machines went off. The smell was so familiar but I couldn't place it right now in the middle of my choking hazard. I could feel the soft but firm plastic down my throat; it was so uncomfortable. Suddenly a two men rushed to my side along with two other figures at the bottom of the bed I couldn't see as my eyes watered.

"Calm down!" A voice said to my left.

"Your in a hospital" The man on my right said.

"Do you want us to remove the tube?"

I nodded unable to speak and they grabbed the end of the tube that was hanging from my mouth and pulled slowly and gently. Eventually the uncomfortable tube was gone and I could breath but I wasn't getting any air, they put an oxygen mask over my mouth.

"Your in the Victoria Infirmary, calm down" The man on my right said.

After a few minutes I was able to breath normally without the aid of the mask. I sighed and sat up, wincing as I did. I lifted my hands to see all sorts of tubes, plasters, bandages and bruises all over it.

"What happened?" I croaked.

"You fell and hit your head of a tree then fell again and hit your head off a rock, it was quite a blow you took" The man on my right said with a sympathetic smile.

Memories over the past few days fluttered through my head and I covered my eyes and shook my head.

"Wait, where am I?" I asked.

"Victoria Infirmary" The Dr said confused.

"No. I can't be, I didn't want to come home yet! I have to sort things out!" I said.

A few machines started to beep and I could feel my body shake and quiver.

"Miss Andrew, please calm down, your body is still unstable from your coma"


"Yes, you've been in a coma for the past few days"

I looked down at the bed and slowly started to move my feet and then worked up to my legs, it felt so weird, it felt as though they hadn't been used in so long, yet I was walking on them two minutes ago.

"Mister Stewart you can call in Miss Andrew's mother now"

The man on my left nodded and left the room.

"I'm Doctor Mallard, Miss Andrew" He smiled.

"Hello" I said unsure.

The door burst open and my mum and Angela walked in. My mum ran to my side.

"Sarah! Oh I've been so worried about you! I thought you'd never wake up!"

"Mum? I'm OK, please don't hug're crushing me!"

My mum let go and I gasped for breath. Angela smiled at me and gave me a quick hug then let me go. I was still so confused, what was I doing back here? I'd passed out before and never returned home, why now?

It's is not how it is when she shall return home...

The Great Dragon's words rang inside my head. My eyes widened and I could feel the stare of my mum and Angela and the doctor on me. I couldn't hold back my tears and I pulled my knees up into my chest and cried.

"This sometimes happens when our patients wake from coma's...we should leave her alone"

"No, I'm her mum, I'm staying with her"

"Just leave me alone" I said.

I knew my mum felt hurt but I'd appologise later, as for now, all I wanted to do was cry over the mess I had made and how I would never get the chance to fix it.