Status: active

You're my devils trap, but am I yours?

Unexpected visitors

The knocking on the door was unexpected and startled Sofia. The bangs reverberated through the small room. She glanced at the clock as it flashed 4:32am. She wasn’t expecting anyone especially at this hour. Her hand slowly moved to under her pillow and withdrew her gun. She moved as quietly as she could towards the door and cocked the pistol. With movements as swift as a cat she twisted the lock and flung the door open, holding the gun in the faces of her unexpected guests.
A small gasp escaped her lips as a smile slowly made an appearance. The lowering and un-cocking of her gun were instinctive. Two men stood before her, towered over her in fact, that she knew very well.
‘Good to see you’re still cautious’ the smaller of the two said, a lopsided grin on his face.
His green eyes were just as intense as the last time she had seen him. He had an easy ten inches on her and as she took in his full facade she decided she liked his brown hair in this new cropped and slightly mussed style.
‘Dean’ she exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a hug.
He wrapped his arms around her waist, lifted her off her feet and spun her in a circle. When he finally let her down he held her shoulders, pushed her an arms length away and studied her as if looking for some kind of damage. At seeing none his grin reappeared and then he gestured to the gun still held firm in Sofia’s hand.
‘Surprised to see us eh?’ he questioned.
She slightly shook her head, rolled her eyes and smiled at him.
Wait. He said us.
She turned her head to the left to see a second, much taller man, with shaggy brown hair that fell over his brown soulful eyes.
‘Sammy’ she gasped as she reached to give him a hug too, only to have him bend down to meet her at the level of 5’ 2”. He hugged her tightly and quickly released her.
‘Oh my life, you’d best come in’ she said realising she must have seemed rude, and that having two hunters in the open wasn’t a good thing.
The boys both entered the room and sat on Sofia’s bed as she pushed some papers off the easy chair and sat on that.
‘Sorry for bothering you so late Soph’ Sammy said glancing around the room.
‘Its cool, I was working’ she said back gesturing around the room at the scattered papers and her laptop that was open on her desk, the screen blank from the long absence of the owner.
‘Working on what?’ Dean questioned pulling a sheet of paper off the floor and examining it.
‘Devils traps?’ he again questioned holding the paper up.
‘Dad kinda dropped me here and left without so much as a hug. Usually him or Bobby make the room secure, but they just left me, so I had to do it myself’ she said nodding to the roof where a devils trap was drawn.
‘They just left you?’ he said sounding angry or frustrated, she couldn’t quite place which it was.
‘Without any protection, nothing?’ He questioned. Sofia just nodded her head and played with her fingers.
She heard Dean pick some more papers off the floor and start to flick through them.
‘Articles? You’ve been hunting?’ he said, it was more of a statement than a question really but Sofia still nodded her head.
‘It’s not safe Sofia. Not since the little incident with the gate. With all those demons that got out its not safe for you to go hunting, hell its not even safe for us’ he said throwing the papers back onto the floor.
‘I’m a hunter Dean. Trained just like you. I’ve been fine exercising them, so don’t tell me it’s not safe’ she huffed.
Just because he was older and a guy that didn’t mean it gave him any right to say she shouldn’t hunt. It’s what she was born to do.
‘Dean’s right Soph. It’s not safe. We haven’t heard from Henry and Bobby for weeks, that’s why we’re here, to see if you’ve heard from them’ Sam said.
‘I haven’t heard from them since they left me here three weeks ago’ she said a sense of worry rushing over her.
Sam nodded his head signalling that that was when they had last heard from them too.
‘It’ll be fine Sofia, we’ll figure this out’ Dean said calmly as if he could sense her worry. All she did was nod her head absently.
Sofia was suddenly over come by tiredness and let out a long drawn yawn causing Dean to chuckle.
‘I think its time you got some sleep’ he said to her and stood up off the bed, nudging Sam to do the same thing.
‘What about you guys?’ asked Sofia through yet another yawn.
Dean looked down at the paper covered floor and then back to Sofia.
‘We’ll clear some of this up and take the floor’ he said shrugging his shoulders. Sofia sighed and shook her head.
‘How long you planning on staying?’ she asked, not liking the idea of the boys taking the floor.
‘As long as it takes to figure this missing persons thing out’ Dean said as he kicked a few papers around looking for any sign of a carpet.
‘Why? Trying to get rid of us already?’ he said holding a mocking hand over his heart.
‘Ha ha Dean. No, I was going to suggest that you both take it in turns to share the bed. What’s the point in you both being uncomfortable? She said standing.
A small grin played across Deans lips and he turned to Sam.
‘I’m cool with it if you are’
Sam nodded his head in response.
‘You take the bed first, you’ve been driving all day’ he said to Dean, who turned and flashed Sofia a knee weakening smile.
Lying in the single bed next to Dean made Sofia wonder if her attraction to him was still there. She felt her belly do a little flip and she knew that it had never gone away really, she had just suppressed it.
But he would never hold her in the same light as she did him. Not only was she several years younger than him, and several meaning seven, she wasn’t his type. She was short, liked jeans and boots over skirts and heels and thought herself generally plain. He would never find her attractive.
As these thoughts flew threw Sofia’s busy, tired mind she felt Dean shift in his sleep, place an arm around her waist and pull her towards his chest.
He’s just doing it in his sleep.
Little did she know that he wasn’t asleep, but thought she was.