Status: active

You're my devils trap, but am I yours?

Comforting words and kisses.

Feelings weren’t Dean’s thing, but even he couldn’t deny that when he saw her in the door way holding that gun his heart stated beating so wildly he thought it might beat right out of his chest.

He also couldn’t deny the over protectiveness that came over him when he found out that not only had Bobby and her father left her, but she was hunting demons and performing exorcisms.

All of a sudden all he wanted to do was guard her, shield he, so he placed his arm around her sleeping form and pulled her warm body to him, inhaling her lavender smell.

He felt comforted but at the same time discomforted. He didn’t know what was happening to him, to his heart, his ‘I don’t need anyone’ facade. Within seconds of seeing her, Sofia had acted like a giant sledge hammer to the wall that hid the true Dean. And that honestly scared the hell out of him, more than anything him and Sam had hunted, because those things were, for the most part, predictable, feelings however weren’t.

These thoughts plagued Dean as he fell into unconsciousness and dreamt of purple fields, fields full of lavender.

Coldness was the first thing Dean was aware of the next morning. The coldness of being alone. Stretching out his hand to feel the bed he realised Sofia was no longer there. His eyes snapped open and he bolted upright. She wasn’t in the room either, no one was. A sigh of relief left his lips, she was with Sammy, and so she was safe.

Laughter soon filled his ears from outside and the door opened to reveal Sam and Sofia baring gifts in the form of food.

‘We’ve got breakfast’ Sofia sang waving the bags she carried

‘Err more like Brunch’ Sam said looking down at Sofia a huge smile plastered on his face. A smile Dean knew all to well.

‘Great, lets chow down then’ he said pushing all thoughts except one from his head.

After eating the grease filled food Sam started to call other hunters to see if they had seen or heard from Bobby and Henry. The response was always the same though, the lat time anyone had seen them was three weeks ago.

Whilst Sam was on the phone Dean and Sofia tried to research the case the two men had taken on Sofia’s laptop.

‘You’re sure they said South Dakota?’ Dean asked his brows furrowed in confusion

‘Yes Dean, how many times, I’m sure’ she replied exasperated.

‘There’s nothing strange happening in South Dakota. I’ve checked North Dakota too. Nothing. Not for years.’ He said pushing the laptop away from himself.

He heard Sofia gulp what he could only guess was a lump in her throat down and let out a shaky breath.

‘I need some air’ she said quietly, her voice slightly cracking.

Dean’s eyes followed her as she hastily pulled the door open and left. Sighing he lent back in the chair. He knew what having a missing dad was like, he just hoped that’s all he was for Sofia’s sake. He was all she had. No that wasn’t true, she had him and he’d let her know.

Raising out of the chair he quickly followed after her leaving Sam on the phone to another hunter whose number was in one of their cells.

Closing the door behind him, he looked left then right and spotted Sofia sat on a bench next to the near deserted car park. He could see why Henry and Bobby chose this place for Sofia to stay.

He approached Sofia and sat closely beside her on the bench and turned to see her face. She had let one tear fall and Dean could see it making its way slowly down her porcelain skin. After an internal battle he gently laid his hand on her shoulder causing her to look at him.

‘What am I gonna do Dean? Where the hell is he? Why did he lie to me?’ she asked all at once. Dean moved his hand from her shoulder and wrapped his arm around her.

‘Hey, it’s going to be fine. We’ll find him and Bobby I promise’ he said to her in what he perceived as a calming voice.

‘He’s all I’ve got Dean, what happens if-‘ her breath hitched, making her unable to finish the sentence.

‘You’ve got me Sofia, I’ll look after you’ he said, his voice fierce as he pulled her into him and placed an affectionate kiss on her temple.

‘Until you get another hunt, then you’ll be gone. I’ll be forgotten’ she said lightly. He shook his head.

‘That’s not true. I can’t forget you Sofia. I...I care too much about you to forget about you’ he said resolving to let his feelings win over in a very un-Dean fashion.

He felt her pull away from him. She turned her head to face him, her eyes held a look of shock.

‘You care about me?’ she asked, her voice still small from the effort of holding back tears.
He bought his and up to her cheek and she lent into it.

‘Of course I care about you, how could I not?’ he said in a soft voice.

It was now or never he told himself. Sure he only had eleven months left, and that was the reason he had to let his feelings be known. He’d regret it if he didn’t, and he didn’t think he could live with seeing her with Sammy.

He looked into her hazel eyes as these thoughts whirled around his head. His decision was made and he slowly leant down to place a light kiss on her lips.

A kiss that left Sofia wondering what this meant and how far this would go.
♠ ♠ ♠
My laptop sucked for a while, so did the internet in my uni accommodation, its all sorted now, so I should update this quickly.
Ive got a few chapters written out, but I dont want to post them if no one is reading.
So let me know if you're reading and you like it =]