Status: active

You're my devils trap, but am I yours?

Spring Creek here we come

He should be happy for his brother. Ecstatic even, that he had finally found someone to love and who loved him back. Just thinking about it bought back memories of Jessica. But he couldn’t be happy for Dean, because he had what Sam wanted and he felt selfish for the jealousy that was coursing through him.

He also felt worried, the image of Jessica on the roof was burnt into his memory, but when it came to him in the bathroom Jess’ face was replaced by Sofia’s. He wasn’t sure if it was a vision or not, he hadn’t had one since Dean killed the yellow eyed demon and there was no headache to accompany it, but it felt so real. This was why hunters usually stayed away from relationships; they could and would be used against them.

‘Sammy?’ came Sofia’s voice, drawing him out of his thoughts.

He looked over to her; her focus was on the screen of her laptop.

‘Yeah?’ he asked. She beckoned him over with her hand, to which he obeyed without thought.

‘Look what I found’ she said, her voice much more light and playful than it had been since they had arrived.

Sam looked down at the screen and found himself looking at an email addressed to Sofia’s father, Henry Adams. She’d hacked into his account? He looked down at her, impressed.

‘Hacked?’ he asked.

‘Of course’ she replied proudly. She should be too; hunters know how to secure everything, including email accounts. After all they where the masters of hacking into them.

‘It’s from an old acquaintance, in South Dakota. You read it’ she said thrusting the laptop into my hands.

‘I’m going to fetch Dean’ she said before walking out of the door, to the Impala where Dean was no doubt buried in the trunk with the arsenal, picking his favourites to go on the hunt with them.

Sam turned his attention back to the email and read it through. People had been disappearing off the face of the earth for years in a little town called Spring Creek. Henry’s old acquaintance thought it might be their kind of gig, and it seemed that way to Sam too.

‘What’d you think Sammy?’ came Deans voice from the door way.

‘Sounds like our kind of thing, people disappearing, and no trace of them’ he told his older brother who nodded.

‘Just like dad and Bobby’ Sofia said solemnly. At which Dean wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close

‘We’ll find them, I promise’ he reassured her placing a kiss atop of her head. She nodded her head into his chest and pulled away suddenly, leaving Dean with a look of what Sam could only perceive as dejection.

‘We should make a move then’ she said, quickly striding over to the bed, pulling her duffle from under it and unceremoniously throwing her belongings in.

Sam watched her in amusement, while he heard Dean chuckle at her eagerness to get on the job.

‘I call shotgun’ Sam said. There was no way he was going to endure watching Dean and Sofia loved up in the front.

Sofia zipped up her duffle and turned to Sam with a look of confusion on her face.
‘Well duh, I’m driving my car’ she said, grabbing a set of keys off the bedside table and jangling them as to make a point.

Dean was not going to like that and would fight tooth and nail to ensure she rode in the Impala.

‘Oh no, I don’t think so’ came his brothers voice, just as he knew it would. He heard the ‘thunk’ of the weapons as he discarded the bag.

‘What’s that meant to mean’ clipped Sofia, hands on hips. Sam knew that stance all too well and decided to leave the room, as much fun as it would be to stay; he was not going to be pulled into this argument.

‘FINE’ came Sofia’s very angry voice from inside the room 5 minutes after Sam had left.

Not long after Sofia came storming out of the room, flung her duffle into the trunk of the Impala threw herself into the backseat and slammed the door. Dean wouldn’t like that, and Sam was right as he heard a sigh of annoyance from Dean who now stood beside him muttering the word ‘women’ under his breath.

This was going to be a fun ride.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kinda a filler but with some info in.

Comments please, let me know what you think.