Status: Finished One Shot

Who I Am


“Nick! Nick! Over here! Nick! Selena! Are you two dating! Just one question please!” was all I heard that night. The walk down the red carpet last longer than I expected it too, but Selena insisted we go together. She knows my brothers and I like to keep our relationships private, but she kept pestering me about it over and over until one day, much to my dismay, I broke down and said yes to her.

So now here we are, being bombarded with all different questions, questioning why we were here, together.

“Selena! Over here please! Are you and Nick dating?!” an E! News host shouted once again. I just kept my head up and smiling at the cameras like I always do, when I heard the response that shocked me.

“Yes, we are, and we are so happy with each other! He’s amazing and I couldn’t have asked for someone better!” she gushed and took hold of my arm and rapped her arm around mine.

Shocked, I started walking to the entrance with Selena still on my arm, trying to keep up with me.

Once we were inside I turned around to her, seeing a huge smile on her face.

“What was that? You know I like to keep my relationships private? But you go and tell E! News that we’re together?” I semi-shouted, furious.

“Well yeah Nick. How else am I going to get more fans and viewers on my T.V. show if people don’t know we’re ‘dating’?” she answered back at me like it should have been

“W-what?” I asked her in a softer tone. I could feel my eyes burning, not because I was sad or heartbroken, but because she had used me and I fell for her trick. I had actually thought
she had liked me for who I was and not just because I was famous or had millions of fans.

“Well, yeah Nick. I mean, your nice and really sweet and all, but I really need to get my rating up on Wizards and with the paparazzi out there and me saying what I just said, the show will definitely be getting more viewers every show,” she told me, her eyes sparkling with happiness but oblivious to how I felt.

“Did you ever stop and think how this was going to affect me?” I whispered.

“Well, some of the times, but my publicist said this would be good for my career, and I couldn’t say no. I mean, think about it Nick, now that people know we’re together, we’ll both be getting more and more fans by the day. Heck, maybe even by the hour!” she explained to me.

“You mean we were together. Selena, I thought you were different. I thought you actually liked me, not my fame or fans. Ha-I guess I thought wrong. Goodbye Selena. Find you own way home. Heck maybe even your publicist can give you a lift,” I responded, mocking her.
She just stood there in disbelieve that this was actually happening to her.

“But Nick-,”

“Don’t bother calling again,” I said lastly and walked out the back doors where my car was parked.


I finally reached my driveway, happy to be home and away from all the flashing lights of the cameras.

Getting out of the mustang I realized I really need to clear my mind of the past events that just happened and started to make my way to the park across the street from the house.


After thinking long and hard I made up my mind to not let her get to me. I wasn’t going to mope over her and I wasn’t going to regret anything I had said to her.

Spotting a bench nearby, I sat down with my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands, trying to concentrate and think of a new song I could write down.

“Umm, excuse me, but are you alright?” I heard someone say from behind. I jumped thinking it was going to be a fan and braced myself with a smile plastered on my face.

Turning around, I realized this girl wasn’t about to attacked me.

“Oh um yeah, fine,” I mumbled to her.

“Well you don’t seem fine to me,” she responded back, taking a seat on the bench I was currently occupying.

“Yeah, well, it’s complicated,” I said back, looking down at the ground again.

“What, bad day at school? You got into a fight? Your girlfriend just dumped you? There are lots of possibilities,” she said.

“Last one. Actually, I broke up with her. Turns out she was just using me for popularity,” I told her looking up to meet her dark brown eyes.

“I’m sorry. Popularity huh? What are you, Mr. Big Shot at your high school or what?” she asked me, chuckling a bit. Then it dawned on me, she had NO idea who I was and what I do for a living. I think I’m going to keep it that way for awhile.

“I guess you could say that. How bought I tell you all about it at Starbucks?” I asked her hopefully.

“Sure, I’d like that. I’d like that a lot,” she said a smile on her lips.

I could tell I mimicked her expression and got up from the bench.

Maybe she could love me for who I am and I could finally have someone to need me and it wouldn’t be bad and I could get away from all the madness and have something besides the band and my fans.

Hey… someone to love me for who I am, someone to need me is that so bad, break away from all the madness, but it’s all I have, someone to love me, for Who I Am

Hmmm… smiling at the thought, I smell a new song coming on.
♠ ♠ ♠
I kinda like this. :)

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