Status: Complete! Even tho the ending sucks....

The Breakup Fightup in Pittsburgh

Road Trip!

“So what is going to happen?” I asked him. “I don’t know. I’m not leaving you tho.” “I know, and that’s good. I know Pete’s leaving, Joe is most likely leaving, and we don’t know about Andy yet.” “Oh. I haven’t really been told anything.” “Ya I think everyone just wants to NOT talk to each other.” “Ya your right.” “So you think it’s gonna be a forever thing?” I asked. “Maybe, I don’t know tho.” “Well…I hope not.” “Ya I guess. It’ll be nice to not be fighting 24\7 tho.” “Ya, your right. It was annoying to hear you two fighting so much. And it always got me upset.” “Ya same here.” “OK we gotta stop talking about this, let’s go somewhere.” “Where?” “I don’t know, let’s just go. We need to get away from here for awhile.” “Alright, I’m going to go pack, we can go take a road trip.” I laughed “Alright that would be fun…I’ll go pack to.” Then we both got up and went back into the house. I packed 3 outfits, my toothbrush, deodorant, tooth paste, shampoo, and crap like that. Then I came downstairs and sat on the couch, waiting for Patrick. He was probably packing this—clothes, guitar, and hats. But mostly hats. I laughed when he came downstairs with a different hat on. “What the hell? Why are you wearing a different hat?” “This is my road trip hat!” “I love bingo?” “Oh ya.” “Holy shit your weird…” I said. He laughed. “So are you, but I still love you.” “I love you to.” “Good, now let’s go.” “Ok awesome.” Then we got our stuff (and ourselves, of course) into his car and drove off. “So where are we going?” I asked. He shrugged. “Road trip remember?” “I know…I just didn’t know it was a Random Road Trip.” “Yup. Those are the best.” I grinned. “Ya, they are.” “I’m just glad to get away.” “Same here. OMG!!! I know where we should go!!” “Where?” “Stop at my moms, we are going to get the camp key, and go to MY FUCKING CAMP!! I love it there! We could chill, bitch!! Relaxing in the wilderness!” Patrick started cracking up. “WOW!!! But ok, awesome.” “No, show enthusiasm.” “Ok…OH MY GOD THIS WILL FUCKING ROCK BITCH!!” I started laughing to. “ROCK ON!!”

“We are so weird.” “Well duh.” I said, and then turned on the radio. It was playing Foo Fighters, Everlong. “I love this song!!” I cried. “Ya, it’s good.” He said. “NO, it’s awesome.” I said, and then started singing along. “Come down and waste away with me…down with me…slow how you wanted it to be. I’m over my head, out of my head she sang. And I wonder….when I sing along with you, if everything could ever feel this real forever. If anything could ever be this good again. The only thing I'll ever ask of you, you’ve got to promise not to stop when I say when. She sang.” Then Patrick started singing with me. “Aww you make me feel like I suck at singing.” I said when the song ended. He laughed. “Well, you don’t.” “Ya but you are amazing.” “That’s because I’ve had lessons and crap.” “True, true.” “Exactly. Now don’t put yourself down. You’re a good singer.” He said. I grinned.
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**Random Road Trips!! haha :) sorry about being so A.D.D has been kicking in badly lately. :/