Status: Complete! Even tho the ending sucks....

The Breakup Fightup in Pittsburgh

Are We There Yet?

After about 20 minutes of silence, we pulled up in my mom’s driveway. I got out, but Patrick sat there. “OH come on, my mom won’t kill you.” “Are you sure?” “Promise.” “Alright…” He said, then got out of the car. I knocked on the door, and Peanut went crazy. “I hate that dog.” Patrick mumbled. I laughed. “Hi honey!! What are you doing here?” She said, then looked around me and saw Patrick. He nervously waved. “Hi Patrick.” “Hi.” “Umm mom do you still have the camp key?” “Ya…why?” “Umm well…can I come in?” “Ya sure.” We walked inside. “Go into the kitchen or something.” I whispered to Patrick. “Ok.” He whispered back, and then walked into the kitchen. “We want to go to camp. See, the band broke up, and we need to get away.” “They spilt? Why?” “They were all sick of each other.” “Oh. Ok. Well won’t they all leave?” “Everyone but Patrick.” “Why isn’t he going home?” I blushed and looked around, then sighed. “Because we go out…and he said he’s not leaving me.” My mom’s mouth dropped and her eyes got big. I cringed, waiting for a reply. Instead of being mad, she was happy. “Ohh I was just waiting for that to happen! Well good, you need a good guy in your life. I’ll go get the key, and you two can go.” She said grinning. I laughed. “Thanks, mom.” “No problem. Just don’t make the neighbors call the cops on you two.” I blushed. “Mooom!!” I whined. She just laughed and went into the computer room. Patrick came back in with an apple. “Did you tell her?” he said, biting the apple. “Mhm.” “Ok, good.” He sat down beside me. My mom came in and threw the key at me. Patrick caught it. “Hey!” “Haha.” “You suck.” “I know.” “Ewww.” He laughed. My mom shook her head at us. “Will it just be you two?” She asked. Patrick blushed, and I snickered. “Yup.” “Ohh. Well, don’t be too loud, you know how hillbillies are and loud noises.” I laughed and Patrick blushed, and put his head in his hands. I just laughed more. “Moom cut it out.” I said. She laughed. “Alright, and go ahead and leave me.” I laughed and got up and hugged her, and Patrick went to throw the apple away. “Thanks for the key, and the harassment.” “NO problem.” “Bye Ms. Lawless.” Patrick said coming back in. “You can call me Linda, and bye.” “Ok.” I laughed and dragged him out. We got into the car. I kissed him on the cheek. “You are too sweet.” I said. He blushed again, and then we drove away. “So what are we going to do at camp anyway?” I giggled, and he grinned. “Maybe. I wanna just hang tho…” “Well….that’s no fun.” “For you.” He laughed. “Nah, I don’t mind.” “Good...are we there yet?" "No." "Now?" "No." Now?" "Shut up!" "Now?" "Yes, get out." "Ok!" "Don't you dare!!!" He cried, when I put my hand on the door. I laughed. "You really think I'm that stupid?" He glanced at me sideways. "Oh, thanks're a great boyfriend."
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**sorry that took so long.....comments would rock :D