Status: Complete! Even tho the ending sucks....

The Breakup Fightup in Pittsburgh

Bitch Please!

I sat back in the chair and almost fell. Patrick’s eyes got big and came over to help me. “Are you OK?” I laughed. Ya! I just forgot this was the broken chair.” He looked at me, the chair, and then me again. He started cracking up. “You dumb bitch!!” He cried. “Hey!!” I said, laughing still. “What?” “Your mean!!” “So? You still love me.” “Of course!” “Good.” “Very.” I got out of the chair and went upstairs. “WHERE ARE YOU GOING?” He called. “TO PISS!” I called down. I heard him laughing at me. I laughed to and went to the bathroom. I then went into the ‘bear room’ (don’t ask) and lay down. “PATRICK I’M TAKING A NAP NOW!” I yelled down. “OK HAVE FUN!” “I WILL.” Then I turned over and tried to sleep.

I think it took me like 5 minutes to actually fall asleep. I woke up to Patrick jumping on the bed. “BITCH YOUR GOING TO BREAK THE BED!!!” I screamed at him. He landed on the bed and I flew up like a foot. He started cracking up. “Jeeze and I lost weight to!” He said, and stopped laughing. I laughed. “This bed is weird.” He started laughing again. “You have been asleep for like an hour.” “Really?” “Ya.” “Wow…why didn’t you wake me up before?” “I just decided to let you sleep.” “How nice of you.” “I know right?” I just shook my head. “You scare me.” “I scare everyone.” I laughed. “No there are some people that…never mind.” He laughed. “I know about my stalkers, and I love them.” I laughed. “Nice. I’m glad you love me.” “I love you more than I love them tho.” I grinned. “Well that’s good.” I said, and kissed him.

I got a call about 5 minutes later. “Oh of course.” Patrick said. I laughed and answered my phone. “Sup?” “Hi!” It was Joe. “What is up biotch?” He laughed. “Bored. Where are you?” “at my camp.” He laughed again. “Why?” “Me and Trick needed to get away.” “O la la. Did I interrupt anything?” “Ya kind of.” “Good. But he needs it so never mind.” I laughed. “That’s mean!” “Yes…I know.” “Well….other than making fun of poor Trick what did you wanna talk about?” “I don’t know. I’m just bored.” “That’s nice.” “Isn’t it?” “No.” He laughed. “What did he say? Who is it?” Patrick asked. “Hold up.” I said to Joe. “It’s Joe and he said you need to get laid.” “BITCH.” He yelled into the phone. Joe laughed. “I’m guessing that was him?” “No…that was my imaginary friend.” “Oh shut the hell up.” I laughed. “I love you to.” “I know you do.” “Can I go now?” “Bitch please.” “Bitch, goodbye.” “Aw, fine.” I laughed. “BYE.” “BYE.” We hung up. “Where were we?” I said to Patrick.
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**comments? I will loveee you forever! LOL