Status: Complete! Even tho the ending sucks....

The Breakup Fightup in Pittsburgh

This Was A Mistake

When we were done eating I immediatly went upstairs. Patrick followed. "What's up?" "I'm bored here I guess...and Pete...he needs someone. He's so stressed right now." Patrick rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around me. "Babe, I'm trying to pack." I said. "And?" "And I need to bend over." "Go right ahead." "Oh god." I said, giggling. I did tho. "Yesss." "Oh shut up." He laughed, but kept his hands on my hips. I finished packing, (no thanks to Trick) and got in the car. "You're driving." I said, sitting down. "Oh...thanks." "Yup." He started the car and we left. I called Pete. " miss me already?" He answered. I laughed. "No, but I feel like you need me right now. So me and Trick are coming home. I'm going to get him to drop me off at your place." "fuck." Patrick mumbled. I smacked his thigh. "OW!" "What the fuck?" Pete said. I laughed. "Nothing. But..." "But...oh! Ya, you can come over. I'd...really...really...enjoy that." "Oh boy." He laughed. "How long are you staying?" "I don't know." "Ok." "And I just left camp so I won't be there for another like 3 hours." "Aw...ok." I laughed. "Well, see ya then." "K...bye." "Bye." I sighed. "Why are you doing this?" Patrick asked. I shrugged. "I feel bad for him." "He's going to try something. You do know that right?" "No he won't..." I said, but only half believing myself. He sighed. " can think that."

We pretty much drove the whole way in silence after that. I hate fights. I really do. "Trick?" I said, when we got to Petes. "What." "I love you. I'm sorry." He looked at me and frowned. "Me to." "What you love me or you're sorry?" "Both." "Ok, good." He smiled and kissed me. "Be careful." "I will baby." I got out of the car, got my stuff and knocked on Pete's door. He opened the door, grinning. "HI!!! Come in." I went in and set my stuff down. "Here, I'll take that up to my room." "Not the spare room?" He grinned evily at me. "Oh no." I rolled my eyes at him and sat on the couch. He ran up the stairs, and in a matter of seconds he was back downstairs, sitting beside me. " are you?" He asked. "Fine." "That's good. Man, I'm tired." He said, fake streched, and put his arm around me. "Pete..." "Hmm?" "Stop." He laughed. "What? Patrick isn't around. Neither is Ashlee." "And? They are still with us. As in...I don't know." He laughed again. "Listen, hon, no one is going to know if we do anything. I won't tell, you won't tell...there aren't camraes in here...." I sighed and shrugged. "But...still. I'll know what happened, and that will bug the living fuck outta me." "Well....don't let it." "I can't." He sighed. "Fine...what do you wanna do?" "I don't care." He grinned. "EXCEPT SEX." He gave me a half smile. "ALL KINDS." He pouted. "Fine...fine. TV it is." I laughed, I had was funny.

When I woke up I was in Pete's room, next to him. Except he was awake. "JESUS!! WHAT'D YOU DO?" "My name isn't Jesus." "Shut up asshole." He just laughed. "I didn't even touch you. I just carried you up here when you fell asleep." "Promise?" He kissed my cheek. "I promise." I blushed. "O-ok." "I saw that." "What?" "You blush." "I didn't." He grinned. "Admit it. You like me." Ugh. "I do not!! You're just really....really cute." "Yay. DON'T like me?" "No..." "You just think I'm sexy?" "Yes." "I can live with that." "Good. Cuz that's what you're going to have to live with." He laughed and kissed my cheek again. "You hungry?" "Nah, not really." "Sure?" "Ya." "Ok. What you wanna do now?" "Read." He laughed. "Really?" "Ya." "I don't really have that many books." "You suck ass." "No, dick." "Oh my." He grinned. "I know you do to." "Ya, not yours tho." He laughed. "Oh well." He said shrugging. "Maybe another day." "Ya, only in your dreams." "Every night." "Nice."
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**Comments PLEASE!! i love to hear feedback from ppl! :/