Status: Complete! Even tho the ending sucks....

The Breakup Fightup in Pittsburgh

Live Colors...They Shouldn't be Alive tho

"What'd he say?" "He said...uh..OMG...LOOK AT THAT CAR!! IT'S LIKE...THE COLORS...ARE...ALLIVVEEE!!" "JOE!! What the--?" "Sorry this car just drove past and...and..uhh..ya." " anyway." "Ya. He said that he likes you." "Really?" "Ya." "Anything else?" "No." "That's it?" "Yes." "You suck." "I know." I shook my head. "You got me all worked up just for that?" "Yup. THE COLORS ARE ALIVE ANDY, ALIVE!" "Joe are you high?" "Um no. Just had to much sugar." "You're weird!" "Thanks." " back to being weird and making people freak out." "Ok! Peace." "Peace.." I said, and we hung up. "What a werido." I mumbled to myself. Patrick looked at me weird. "Joe. He's weird. I think him and Andy are high. He said the colors are alive!" "Sounds like a play I heard was called Live Colors..but they weren't alive..." I laughed. "Ya it was weird." He laughed to. Then Pete came back downstairs. "Live Colors? I heard of that play." He said. "Hey where you spying on us?!" Patrick asked, raising his eyebrows. "" I rolled my eyes. "Sure you weren't." "Whatev. But anyway, why are we talking about colors?" "Joe said that a color on a car was alive...and him and Andy were shouting about colors being alive and I'm scared. So Patrick brang up the play that I never heard of, called Live Colors." "Ah. Well the play was weird. Like orange and red were dancing around and blue was all emo and green wanted orange and red to split and it freaked me out and I thought I was high when I was watching it." Pete said. I started cracking up. "I just pictured a bunch of colors dancing!!" I cried. Patrick started laughing to. "That's just creepy. I never saw it. But it would be awesome to see colors dancing!!" Soon Pete was laughing, and it was like a big laugh fest. "Live Colors...AMAZING!" I said, after we all calmed down. "Are you being sarcastic?" Pete asked. "No!" I said. Patrick shook his head. "If I ever hear about it being around here I'll take you." He said. I giggled. "That would be the best date ever Trick." I said. Pete's eyes got big, and he looked at us. "Date?" He said. "Ya...we go out." I said slowly. "Oh...umm...when did that happen?" He asked. "While you were upstairs." "Oh.." "Ya..." I said, then got up. "I'm hungry." I went into the kitchen to make popcorn. "POPPY CORN! YAYAY!!" I yelled as it started popping. "WOOW!" They both said. I just laughed and then brought it out when it was done. "Anyone want any?" "Nah." Pete said. "I'm good." Patrick replied. "Good. More for me."
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**title of this one goes to... Maiziebelle...she suggested it as a title and I really didnt know how to make it work so I did

**i had to use it someway I'd feel bad if i didnt :D

**sorry its short again, i've been having BAD writers block, like always