I Only Want to Save You

Part One - Intro.

'What do you last remember, son? Does anything directly stand out?'

Nothing stands out, bloody twat. Faris fidgets in his seat, occasionally running his fingers through his matted brown hair. He hates the feeling of interrogation, hates being questioned for anything, even by his own parents. And then of course, the nurse has to go ahead and ask 'do you remember anything? Does anything stand out?', which leaves Faris at a complete loss for words. Of course there’s certain tidbits of information that are clear as day in the back of his mind, but he's not ready to share anything.

And Faris knows damn well it's all useful information. But, he's not ready to spill all of the details just yet. So he sits back in the chair and leans his body to the right, his hands clasped within one another.

'No. Nothing at the moment.'

'Well, sweetheart,' Faris tries not to make a face. Already he can sense himself developing a strong dislike for the woman who claims to be an experienced nurse in trauma medicine, 'Whatever you say now will definitely help your little friend out, don't you think? It will certainly do him some justice.'

I've given him enough justice. Faris would rather express his thoughts freely, but he refrains from allowing the bitter words to escape his lips.

'Look,' Faris leans in a little, keeping his eyes hidden behind his fringe, 'There's nothing more that... that needs to be said. Hell, there's not much more I know. You'd have to ask his... his boyfriend, all right?'

The nurse's eyes grow wide, visibly taken aback by Faris' shrewd remarks. But Faris just shrugs and shakes his head, causing even more hair to fall in front of his brown eyes, 'I appreciate that you want to help and all. But, there's... I don't know much, all right? And it's not like anything I know is going to help him anyway.'

Faris knows that only part of the statement can prove to be true. Granted, not all of what he knows is going to serve as much evidence or advice towards cracking any code, but in the end he doesn't know that much about the relationship; he doesn't know much about what was going on outside of the band. He never asked because he knew it would only increase the intense animosity he already felt towards his friends. Plus, Faris never liked to come across as one of their parents, who like to constantly question out of curiosity.

And Faris does know for a fact that what he knows about the relationship won't help anyone in any way. The nurse just likes to sit behind the desk and convince herself that every little bit of information is good information, but Faris thinks of that as a load of bollocks. Faris doesn't like to come across as a nosy-body, and he knows for a fact that if he does decide to tell the nurse anything, it'll be stuff that none of the other band members know about.

The singer draws his attention over to the clock resting on the wall. He sighs and sits back, noticing that his time limit is almost up and one of the other band members will have to take his place in explaining to the nurse just what the fuck happened earlier in the evening.

'Honey, look - oh, what's your name again? Frank, Fran -'

'It's Faris, miss...'

'Right, right,' the nurse nods her head and digs through the folder on her desk possibly for the third or fourth time, 'Faris, look, one of your other friends will have to come in within another five minutes and take over for you. Please, if there is anything that you have to add...'

Faris rubs his face, visibly frustrated, 'Everything I told you is what I told the officer. I have nothing else to add, nor do I want to say anything else. All I know is this: he got way out of line, and thought the... the things in his head were real. No harm was meant to be done, and that is something I do know for a fact whether you, the officer, or my friends want to believe it or not.'

The nurse just nods her head and writes on a spare piece of paper. She puts in the folder and shuts it, and without saying anymore she directs Faris back to the waiting area, where he's met with cold stares from his other band mates. He doesn't say anything, though; he sits in an empty chair away from everyone and takes out his sketchpad, drawing the first idea that enters his mind.